Random Riffage


Carlos Rosa
Jul 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
Just wanted to share this track which is basically just random riffage I wrote quickly, recorded and mixed pretty quick also,
so it's not my best mix haha. But yeah, enjoy my randomness.

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dude really? if this is not your best mix, i want to hear your best mix. i don't know about everyone else i thought, but it was absolutely killer. fantastic job.
haha thanks man! Actually, I did this very fast in a couple of hours: wrote, recorded, mixed and I wasn't paying much attention
since I was just messing around, and my ears were tired already. But now that I hear it again, I think it sounds pretty decent!!

I recently bought a Saffire Pro 40 (I used an M-Audio Fast Track before) along with some strings and new cables and I gotta say, once you got a very good and clean signal chain, mixing is just a breeze! It really took just a couple of minutes to get this mix done haha and that was a big part of it!

I guess everybody knows this anyway, I'm just very happy with my purchase. :p
haha! xD thanks, It's been a long time since I've written anything, and it's getting hard for me to write complete songs!
But I'm not spending enough time trying to either. Hopefully, I'll get back on track soon and start writing some kick ass
goddddd damn this is sickkkkk. I would kill to get my mixes sounding this good. the riffs are creative as hell too. before it ended i thought a break down was comin up. Awesome job with pod farm as well the guitars sound top notch as do the drums. Slate everthing? Also i love the bass clang, i notice you tend to have that in most of your mixes sounds great
:D thanks!

For the kick I used a combination of Slate Kick 7 z1 + Kick 5 z3
The snare is a Truth Brass Beauty Snare sample I bought from here
Slate Maple Toms and Ezdrummer Metalheads for OH because I was too lazy to load up Joey's cymbals haha

For bass I used TSE B.O.D into Ampeg SVX, the SVT-4 PRO model, that's my favorite one there. Sometimes I use Studio Devil Virtual Bass Amp Pro,
I think it's awesome, and a very nice alternative to the famous UAD Nigel.

And now for guitars I'm bypassing the cab in POD Farm and using Redwire impulses. They rule!
what do you use for guitars, Podfarm? and did you plug straight in or DI box? sounds like a really sick bass in there, if im hearing correctly. how did you mix guitars?

i just bombarded you with questions. my apologies.
haha! xD thanks, It's been a long time since I've written anything, and it's getting hard for me to write complete songs!
But I'm not spending enough time trying to either. Hopefully, I'll get back on track soon and start writing some kick ass

i feel you on that. i do some much of recording others and having them come in with complete songs, that i stopped writing. but when im bored i wanna record, but dont have a full song in mind. that said, this is a killer mix dude