Rant About Something

Ahh you insulted me you conformist! I'm gonna go make a statement by crying and writing gay poems about suicide now.:waah: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Anyway, I will rant now.

I fucking hate it when these retarded cunts on MSN decided to start a convo and add EVERYONE on their list to it.


The worst part is that once it finally unfreezes and you see how big a convo you're in, you know that it's gonna freeze again no matter what you do because of all the people leaving.

One time this wierdo invited me and 28 other people into a convo just to say good night. :hypno: :mad:
I fuckin hate being a loner in this class. I have no one to talk to and it's so boring. And i hate this class cuz it's so stupid and we learn about useless shit we already know. I also hate this stupid freshmen sitting next to me and i hate it when he talks to me.
hey! i was up there, next to towelie? who the fuck moved me to the ground? :mad:

I did... next to me and Emili...

Ok im fucking sick of this bullshit. I was supposed to get 100 dollars so i can get my fucking half o of my medical chronic. but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO she had to be a bitch and only send me 50.. WHAT THE FUCK!!! it was a good deal fuck.. a 100 for a new peice and a half ounce? THIS RUINS EVERYTHING.. now i can only get fucking 7 grams.. timmy better give me that fucking peice cause im fucking pISSED!!! WHY CANT WEED JUST BE FUCKING LEGAL!!!?!!?!!?! THESE PRICES ARE FUCKING INSANE. FUCK THE GOVERNMENT. JUST BECAUSE THEY CANT TAX FUCKING PLANTS IS BULLSHIT. ITS NOT LIKE WEED IS BAD FOR U. CIGGARETTES AND ALCOHOL ARE LIKE 10000000 BILLION TIMES WORSE THAN BUD AND FUCK WHAT THE FUCK. OOOOOOOOOOOH ITS A GATEWAY DRUG.. THAT IS SUCH BULLSHIT. ITS NOT EVEN THAT. I HATE AMERICA I HATE THE LEGAL SYSTEM. FUCKING BULLSHIT. WHY CANT I JUST GET MY WEED CHEAP AS FUCK NOW I HAVE TO PAY ALL THIS FUCKING MONEY JUST TO GET STONED IT PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!
Here's what I hate. And I'm so glad since meeting Michael [plankcore] I know I'm not the only one that feels this way as strongly as I do.

Screaming brats.
Like when you're on a crowded bus and there's some little toddler throwing a screaming fit and the mother [who is normally about 20 and unemployed, on benefits] does fuck all. or just says something like 'AW SHUT IT ROMEO/MICHEELLLEEEE/REECE' [or whatever other stupid-as-fuck name these chavs give their children].

Or the other kind. where there's a completely SPOILT child throwing a hissy fit because say, [as happened today in the lift with michael] she didn't get to press the lift button and decided to start screaming in a small, cramped lift.

You know what I want to do when they start doing that? Punching them, right in the face. Or [as michael suggested] getting their head and smashing it against the lift buttons screaming 'YOU HAPPY? YOU GET TO PRESS ALLLLLL THE BUTTONS NOW!!'

Yeah, it may now already be obvious, that we're not ready to be parents. I would be flung in jail for murdering them, I feel =s. Oh well, we're only 18...enjooooooooyyyyy! ;)

I did... next to me and Emili...

Ok im fucking sick of this bullshit. I was supposed to get 100 dollars so i can get my fucking half o of my medical chronic. but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO she had to be a bitch and only send me 50.. WHAT THE FUCK!!! it was a good deal fuck.. a 100 for a new peice and a half ounce? THIS RUINS EVERYTHING.. now i can only get fucking 7 grams.. timmy better give me that fucking peice cause im fucking pISSED!!! WHY CANT WEED JUST BE FUCKING LEGAL!!!?!!?!!?! THESE PRICES ARE FUCKING INSANE. FUCK THE GOVERNMENT. JUST BECAUSE THEY CANT TAX FUCKING PLANTS IS BULLSHIT. ITS NOT LIKE WEED IS BAD FOR U. CIGGARETTES AND ALCOHOL ARE LIKE 10000000 BILLION TIMES WORSE THAN BUD AND FUCK WHAT THE FUCK. OOOOOOOOOOOH ITS A GATEWAY DRUG.. THAT IS SUCH BULLSHIT. ITS NOT EVEN THAT. I HATE AMERICA I HATE THE LEGAL SYSTEM. FUCKING BULLSHIT. WHY CANT I JUST GET MY WEED CHEAP AS FUCK NOW I HAVE TO PAY ALL THIS FUCKING MONEY JUST TO GET STONED IT PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, well. I was walking outside in Buffalo to my truck just as the cop was writing out my parking ticket. I was so pissed, and I let him know it. Well, I accidently dropped it when I was getting in, and he fucking ticketed me for littering. I was about to fucking freak on the fucker.