are you failing something this semester?


Nov 7, 2006
Canada, moving soon
don't we all fucking hate november... it is the only time of the year where i get stressed

so... anyone planning to fail something in university/school? my marks are ranging from 88 to 60 percent :lol: every semester for me is a surprise
I think that I will fail my History Of Art course.. I have 53% now and the average of students in my class is 50%. :erk: If I pass my big exam, I will be safe...
holy cow :lol:

i forgot to say, my 60% is in channel management, whatever that is

No wonder you're you've got a 60% you don't even know what it's about! :lol: Smoooth. :rolleyes:

I don't mean to sound prissy, my grades ain't nothin' to be proud of either. haha
I passed Comp. with a 101% because I used to get stoned before I did my homework. I would write a bunch of bullshit, but since it was funny, my teacher let it slide.
don't we all fucking hate november... it is the only time of the year where i get stressed

so... anyone planning to fail something in university/school? my marks are ranging from 88 to 60 percent :lol: every semester for me is a surprise

dammit i know! i'm so fuckin stressed out right now. all i wanna do is fix my guitar problem, practice a few songs on guitar and practice some songs on piano. but guess what?! i have to write like 8749836987 essays right now. tonight after work i have to finish my 15 page report on early greek philosophy and i get off work at 1 am :erk:

so in conclusion, you're right. we do all fucking hate november.
Graduated/unemployed at the moment, so I'm just bored out of my mind as opposed to being stressed.

Whoever has the classes "History of Rock" and "History of Motion Pictures" is the luckiest bastard on earth, our school was so cheap we didn't even have a music class.
I don't go to school...

School are for children or nerdz.


(I'm entering next February, it miss me to don't go to school, I can't wait to :D I'm such a Fagety nerd child :p)

really...what do u do with your life then
besides listening to have metal and being a separatist
Well actually we are a Nation so shhhhh :p

I'm at work right now. But next week I wouldn't work anymore so I'll have a big 2 month of "Hey, there's no more beer! Fuck!" and I'll take this time to finnish my album.
I have mock exams coming up soon so I will soon find how im doing.

My average grades for English is A

Maths : C

Science: B or A

Art: A*

Geography: B

History: B

So im going to fail maths for sure, but everything else should be okay. I hate maths with a passion.