"Rant about..."-Thread

At times I don´t get why antibiotics make you feel even sicker than before. I mean, for real. The stuff doesn´t make my flu go away, no, it just adds (as side-effects) headaches, stomach-sickness, dizziness and feeling even weaker. I love medicine.
being home is awesome. You fall over a freakin million of damned advertisements, the flight in the damned elevator doesn´t work.
Oh and I have weird post about taxes and energy-stuff or something. I am lost. And annoyed. Shoot me.

I just wonder why I haven´t chosen a country with an easier language - I feel like a failure XD
You know, I came from snow to snow.
Aka from Finland to Germany.
There is just one difference: in Finland trains run. in Finland trams run. in Finland busses go. All normally.
In Germany? nothing works properly. Seriously. It´s just snow and it´s not the end of the world, so what, get the stuff going again >.<

I totally agree with the 'it's just snow' statement.
We've had a bunch of snow here recently, and while it's made driving anywhere a little treacherous, it still has to be done. It would be nice if the work world stopped when a bunch of snow got dumped because I can think of many fun things to do in the fresh snow, but unfortunately that doesn't happen here.
Here everything proceeds pretty much as normal when there's a meter of snow on the ground and it's -35c with a wind blowing.
Well... This was unexpected.

I was hurrying to dress up as fast as I could after Taido training to make it to a bus to Helsinki for a band meeting. Then I get a call from the band's founder.
Seems like they didn't want a second, female vocalist after all. In the beginnin he told that we'd try it, so it kinda was a trial, but during the months that has gone by, there was no clues about that they didn't want me. I was in all the rehearsals and even wrote the lyrics for the songs we had managed to make. Then no more.

It would have been better to get kicked because of not being good enough, that can be fixed by training. But I CAN'T F**KING rip out my vocal cords and become a male singer!
I hate it! Almost no bands want a female singer. The ones that want one want to be f**king Nightwish. (Don't get me wrong, I like them.) But I don't want to be f**king Tarja Turunen! I don't want to sound like that and I don't sound like that. I don't want to be in a "beauty and the beast band" either! I just want to sing, goddammit! Powerfully and loud like any metal vocalist!
Gotta start seeking for a new one then, because I WANT TO SING!

Ok here goes...

This girl is being such a bitch in my English class. It's retarded because she complains to me about how I'm doing practically nothing for our "team", and even when I do the work, she says it's not good enough for her. She's trying to make out that she's done loads of work with our main presentation that we have to do, but it's so blatant that she just copied a whole load of it off the internet.
She's 16 and she has no clue as to how presentations and slides work. And whats even more annoying is that she's so gullible that she just Googles the name of the person we are researching, and picks the first picture she sees. Its not even the real person either. The person we're researching died about 20 years ago and it's such a recent picture that it's just unbelievable. She's also an attention whore who claims that she's not an airhead when she clearly is. I can't even see what she looks like as her face is so thick with orange coloured make up. It's like she used a fucking trowel or something to put it on.

/End rant
Sorry to hear about this, Kele. Shit happens, but you can't let it get to you. Maybe you and a few other girls can get a girl band together; that would be a lot less Nightwishy as far as expectations.

We also want to know the band founder's name.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan

Well... This was unexpected.
I don't think names are necessary. :P

Well, would you think of an all girl/majority girls band just as a metal band? I don't think so. :/ People would see it as a girl band. In fact, I think I also would (kinda sad) and I don't wanrt to be in a "girl band". And metal does need masculinity I think. :P And I'd like to be among guys in a band, (somehow I've always liked the company of guys, and no I'm not lesbian xD) of course another girl wouldn't be any problem. :lol: The saxophonist in the band was a girl.

Still proving my point, why can't a girl be a metal band's singer among guys and be all normal, and if it's an all girls band it's more approved?
I just hate DPD Finland for messing up all parcel delivering.
For real, they were supposed to deliver it again today till 11, now it´s 11:31 and I have to leave to university in 30min and if it´s still not there, then I can pick it up from the other side of the freaking town. And I am not willing to do this since the first time on Thursday they didn´t even answer their freaking phone when I wanted to tell them that they should not deliever it on Friday or Saturday...also their damned online-form doesn´t work.
I mean...rghs >.< and i really really need that parcel >.<
Maybe you and a few other girls can get a girl band together; that would be a lot less Nightwishy as far as expectations.

What´s the point of that? There are so many great female fronted metal/rock bands that are far away from Nightwish!!!!!!!
^ True, and there are many great bands with females as integral members who sometimes contribute vocals.
It was just a thought to avoid people expecting a Nightwish atmosphere. Perhaps not the best idea. Here's another idea then: take accordion
lessons :)

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan

Still proving my point, why can't a girl be a metal band's singer among guys and be all normal, and if it's an all girls band it's more approved?

What´s the point of that? There are so many great female fronted metal/rock bands that are far away from Nightwish!!!!!!!
^That would be a way.. :lol:
But no, sticking to the vocals. Gonna record ome new samples sometime this week. (Sheesh why did I ever send the old ones. ^^;; )
I just hate DPD Finland for messing up all parcel delivering.
For real, they were supposed to deliver it again today till 11, now it´s 11:31 and I have to leave to university in 30min and if it´s still not there, then I can pick it up from the other side of the freaking town. And I am not willing to do this since the first time on Thursday they didn´t even answer their freaking phone when I wanted to tell them that they should not deliever it on Friday or Saturday...also their damned online-form doesn´t work.
I mean...rghs >.< and i really really need that parcel >.<

we have a continuing story...awesome :D

So I emailed them again and we agreed on it being delievered to my home tomorrow from 2pm on.

Today I got an email saying "sorry, we cant deliver it after 1pm the area where you live".

So now I told them to deliver the parcel to my university and my classroom where I will be tomorrow. For this I need to get up earlier than usual and stay there longer. I swear, if they do not deliver the parcel then, I freak out.
Oh gee, how I love the every-winter flu season. Sore throat and heavy and achy head, it's nice to try to work with the media-bulletins that should be posted still during this week. Oh yais.
Oh gee, how I love the every-winter flu season. Sore throat and heavy and achy head, it's nice to try to work with the media-bulletins that should be posted still during this week. Oh yais.

i am feeling like this most times for now a month or so...it comes and goes, just as it wants to >.<

hope u get better soon!