"Rant about..."-Thread

i was claming yesterday for the new way to display pictures in the fact, myspace killed itself with those ugly changes and, twitter is getting worst as other pages, maybe Fb is going to the same
i was claming yesterday for the new way to display pictures in the fact, myspace killed itself with those ugly changes and, twitter is getting worst as other pages, maybe Fb is going to the same

I also hate de new way of displaying the pictures, I can't get used to it.
Sometimes I just hate my works, or rather the moments I feel like I never get them done in time. Even if I did.

Plus, my degree work. I'll never get it finished, especially the thesis part.
1. My 4th night ina row of insomnia seems to be approaching because I don´t feel tired at all even though i was the whole day.

2. This damned forum is doing what it wants, and not what I want. It hates me, obviously. when I click "edit", then I really mean it. Then I want to "edit" something so please forum, load that page >.<
Cari, maybe the computer does it?
The insomnia, I mean :lol: It happens to me too very often. I get very sleepy during the day, EVEN after having slept enough the night before, but when I start working on the computer / netsurfing, it just goes away and I even get the impression I wouldn't be able to sleep even if I tried to. But I usually (USUALLY!) manage, even if it takes me some 20-30 mins after I turn off the lights and all. :)
Focken crows ate my fruits. I have a few fruit trees in the back yard, most didt produce anything. The plum tree and the pear tree had a few good fruits each. One good day, a bunch of crows came by and ate them all. Bastards! The fruits were just starting to ripen.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
this weather here in germany is just a damned joke, summer, yeah, sure, that´s why it´s here way cooler and has crappier weather than in Finland- fml.
Yeah, good one buddy.

First tell me you're too confused about life to have a relationship right now.
Tell me you'll always be there for me, you're not going anywhere and I'll never loose you as a friend.
Then delete facebook, change your number without telling me and now I have your friends hinting to me that you're seeing someone else.

I always get ill when I have holidays. yeah, i have nothing else to do than suffer in bed during this time. grrrr.
Got to smoke! I know I should freakin' quit, but it looks really badass and feels pretty good. But I don't like wondering whether or not it's right or wrong.

Can't stand a lot of the people I encounter in my life. A lot of them are so opinionated and biased! They make claims, then when I challenge them to give proof, they can only seem to give more of their own personal opinions, as if that somehow validates their claims! Mere opinions do not serve to prove other mere opinions! Ah! And these people get sooo arrogant! Here's what I say to those bigots: :hahamiddlefinger:
I know this is kind of ironic to be complaining about complaining, but I really can't stand people who are negative and mope-y all the time.
Even when they have a chance to look at the glass as half-full, they always talk about it being half-empty.
Drives me up the wall, especially with circumstances considering.