"Rant about..."-Thread

My teacher some deleted the slides for the last maths class from the workspace and I need them now. Man >.<
Forget about my last rant. this one will be worse.

Something is wrong with my left knee´s collateral ligament. it makes problems again.
I just don´t know why the problems returned. I hope it leaves soon now that I taped my knee again >.<

I have those issues since 2008, a week before Halloween i overstretched it at sports, then attended a certain gig on Halloween where the problems got worse and well...
The pain comes and goes, I don´t know why - no doctor was able to find a thing, and that pisses me off because I really cannot put any weight it when it hurts :S
no, it´s never because of warm/cold weather or so...
i should have stayed at home and not gone to the gig back then, but i´ve always been crazy >.<
hope you feel better soon FLWL!

Thanks, I've been a bit better for couple days^^

Aww man, Cari, really hope your knee gets better! Sounds painfull :S

Two of my childhood heroes passed away in two days. I guess this is what they call "getting old", when your relatives and idols start to die around you.
yeah it is. but partly it´s my own fault: been driving (back then in 2008) from Germany to Netherlands to the Turisas gig, then the gig and then driving back to Germany the nxt day again whilst already having been in huge pain all the time was most likely not the smartest thing to do, I have to admit.

Or maybe it just is the way that people around you and your heroes haven´t lived healthy :S
reminds me on the fact that gary moore died today *sighs*
I had such a shock when I read it in the news today. :( Was really not expecting it. It's just so shitty, so many great musicians dying lately, Dio, Gary Moore, Steve Lee, that bass player of Slipknot, it just makes you wonder. :/

i didnt believe it at first when I read it on twitter. I was like "people, this is not funny to joke about this". well, fail.

but well, it doesn´t surprise me tbh, when looking at the ways of living of most of them...
I don't even know if Moore had serious drug/alcohol issues, I mean, from what I know, he was never "outrageous" about his lifestyle and stuff. I'm looking at Nikki Sixx who was in clinical death and shit like death and is now safe and sound. :/ Not trying to "wish him death" or anything, it's just that some are lucky and some aren't. And it's sad, cause the musicianship is still there, the ego, the things to offer etc. Plus the mere fact that a relatively young man dies.
Or maybe it just is the way that people around you and your heroes haven´t lived healthy :S
reminds me on the fact that gary moore died today *sighs*

Well, another one of 'em was Gary Moore, and the other was my beloved granpa, who would've turned 81 today... but his passing away was kinda expectable, due his health conditions lately. *shrugs* But it still was a shock when mum called me yesterday morning. Gonna miss him a lot.
d'awww thanks *hugs back* yeah... I was supposed to come to J-kylä in couple weeks to mix one gig, but I just had to cancel it for the funeral... he was really dear to me.
oooh :/
well, my grandma passed away last October on the morning after the Turku gig of Turisas and well, I was stuck in Finland and therefore couldnt attend the funeral - so at least you have the chance to do attend your grandpa´s :(

you can imagine how it felt for me >.<
yeah, I bet it must've felt horrible... I don't know what I would do if I couldn't go there, since I've always been more like "granpa's girl", as I was for the other granpa, too. I was kinda afraid of that it'd come up like this, I hadn't seen him for over half a year due to my studies and couldn't see him on the holidays either, and somehow guessed that he'd pass away while I'm stuck here in western Finland.

so yeah, I feel really sorry for you, too *hugs* But at least (no matter how cliché it sounds) we have the good memories of them to carry with us.
I. am. pissed.

Why the hell does Facebook now also sooner or later change the pages-layout to the one that they also applied to the profiles? Man that looks so UGLY and is SO not useful for the whole (especially not the street team >.<) -.-