rare prog from early 70s

Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Well, actually I could use some mp3's of some of these bands that you mentioned, since I was only able to find Triumvirat. It was great though, awesome keyboard playing.

Land of Grey and Pink, are you on the HUB??? Or do you use DC++ at all, and if so, which hubs??

unfortunately im not on the hub, and i tried using that program but it wont work on this computer for some reason. the only way i can really transfer files anymore is email, yahoo messenger or AOL instant messenger. :erk:
Alright buddy, you got it! 3 pieces of mail, each containing one of the following:

Cressida - To play your little game
Dancer - America wood
Fantasy - Paint a picture

let me know how you like them
Hey Land, man, Im really sorry, I had some songs that I collaborated on with a friend in my emails, and it was eating up 100% of my space, so I didnt get them. Is there any way you could be fucked to send them again??? Real sorry, I appreciate it though. Also, I found that Cressida album with TO Play Your Little Game on it, it rocks my socks, one of my new favorite bands!!!! So maybe another band with some sound kind of similar to Cressida??? That would be awesome!!!!

(PM sent about other topic)
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Hey Land, man, Im really sorry, I had some songs that I collaborated on with a friend in my emails, and it was eating up 100% of my space, so I didnt get them. Is there any way you could be fucked to send them again??? Real sorry, I appreciate it though. Also, I found that Cressida album with TO Play Your Little Game on it, it rocks my socks, one of my new favorite bands!!!! So maybe another band with some sound kind of similar to Cressida??? That would be awesome!!!!

(PM sent about other topic)

yeah, no problem. ill send you a Gracious song this time, its a good one, and this particular song is quite similar to cressida and the other mentioned bands.
You get PM????(private message)

One thing, do any of you guys ever put on music when going to sleep??? Ive been doing that a lot lately, especially with some prog stuff, and it's just great, my favorite going to sleep album is either Mirage, Tab In The Ocean, or Cressida.
Yes, i indeed got your private message...and i think a prog collaboration would be a lot of fun. the only problem would be finding enough time for me to do that with everything else im doing. but i imagine this summer i will have a lot more free time, so perhaps then if youre still up for it. then maybe we could post it on this board if theyll let us, just for all the Opeth fans to check out...we could even do our own interpretation of an opeth song if you want. as for the mp3s i sent...i realized the gracious one didnt go through originally, so i just re sent it. let me know how you like them, im eager for your feedback. keep in touch, thanks leper!
Definitely man, maybe we could even proggy up a Damnation song. Well, I have work and other stuff as well, but I think we could make this happen, do you have MSN Messenger by any chance??
O, and I only got the Gracious one, because I realized that even though I deleted those emails, they still were taking up all my space in my trash can, so I only received the Gracious mp3. But I loved it a lot, very great flutes, reminds me alot of Camel, which is great, and the guy has some strong vocals, which is nice, so I will definitely be checking them out further. Thanks.
i dont have MSN messenger, but i could look into getting it i suppose. i do have yahoo and aim messenger though already.

ill forward the other 2 songs right now. hopefully youll get them this time...enjoy!
IOfTheStorm said:
First of all i almost hate Opeth
Secondly i like this thread
Then does any of you like Greek 70s prog bands?
Aphrodite's Child, Akritas, Socrates, Plj band ?

well, im sorry to hear about your disliking of Opeth. Most unfortunate.

As for greek bands...i do like several....Akritas And Aphrodite's Child mainly, i like them a lot...and a few others...but i usually stick to UK and German bands, with the occasional scandanavian/italian/american bands mixed in.
This thread rocks! though it will take me forever to check out all this shit. (56k) You highspeed fuckers got it so easy....
btw- was listening to Comus when I found this thread, they're great, though it took me a couple listens to get into the vocals.

Anybody want the weirdest music ever?
check out MAGMA - ATTAHK. incredibly insane and funky music!

I'd also like to know why there isn't very many FAUST fans? they're technically Krautrock, and they're not as consistent or beautiful as other bands. But they make up for it with wild experimentation and fun. one of my very favorite bands. please check out these faust songs:
Picnic on a Frozen River, Deuxieme Tableux
Giggly Smile
Meadow Meal
C Pluus
Rainy Day, Sunshine Girl
Just a Second (Starts Like That!)
Eloy also kick ass
as do a lot of bands already mentioned.
I also dig the spacey and jazzy stuff like Hawkwind and Gong
tis all for now...
Must start downloading...
Nintendo...i love the name...great episode!

Magma...yes, very cool stuff...also check out the "udu wudu" album.

I like some faust stuff, but im not a huge fan...as you already stated...not nearly as consistant as other krautrock bands...but very good still.

I do like Eloy too...very good atmosphere in most of it. I too recommend gong...the first 3 albums especially...and hawkwind is another good one...you could spend a whole week listening to their songs and still not get through them all.
I've got most of the Magma albums, including Udu Wudu, all cool, Attahk is my fave though. Do you listen to Christian Vander's solo stuff? i've got a few songs and they are very cool as well.
Could you reccomend any other good Zeuhl?
maybe some stuff like Comus too?
Well, Comus is pretty unique in their sound...but id try Jonesy - No Alternative, or Lucifer's Friend - Self Titled. Both are very quality albums. I only have one album of Christian Vander's solo stuff...for im not very into it...but its not bad regardless.