rare prog from early 70s

Just thought I'd mention another band. You should really check out the Japanese band Ghost. They are a newer band though, started in the 90's.
Check out their newest CD (2003?) called Hypnotic Underground. Sounds like it came right out of the 70's though. It has some rocking parts, but it is a very mellow cd. Also has lots of flutes, tribal percussion, keys, and tons of other instruments. The vocalist sounds like David Bowie sometimes, don't you think? (not in a bad way though, I'm not a Bowie fan) Also check out the song Forthcoming From The Inside from an older cd, one of my fave Ghost songs.
I think you'll like it Land Of Grey And Pink if you haven't heard it already..
Highly reccomended!

NP: Ghost - Hypnotic Underground
I've been trying to check out some of the reccomendations too. though its gonna take a while (56k).
So far I've got songs from, Ginhouse, Gracious, Cressida and Cirkus. and they all sound good so far :D
right on, im glad youre enjoying those recommendations. As for ghost...i have indeed heard them and think they are pretty good. I have yet to check out their new album, but certainly aim to do so ASAP. At any given time i have about 20 albums i want to buy or at least listen to, and thats with even buying on average 10 cds a month. So ill do my best. :)
this thread is too good to die.

great recommendations there, guys. and here's one that will blow you all away. i looked through all the posts but couldnt see this name:

SHADOWFAX - watercourse way

simply amazing. i repeat, it will blow you away.

and let's not forget good old Goblin from italy :)
Don Corleone said:
this thread is too good to die.

great recommendations there, guys. and here's one that will blow you all away. i looked through all the posts but couldnt see this name:

SHADOWFAX - watercourse way

simply amazing. i repeat, it will blow you away.

and let's not forget good old Goblin from italy :)

Shadowfax is a fun band..i think people here could enjoy them.

Goblin though, im a big fan of. Their work is highly overlooked as progressive music, even though it is...i think a lot of this has to do with their continuous work on slasher/splatter/b-grade horror films from italy though. Many of these movies are quite good in their own way however (i myself am a fan), and their music has some very interesting stuff going on in it, and good/eerie melodies too.

they issued some "the best of goblin collections" 3 of them i beleive...those would be a great starting point for anyone interested in this band.
Ok, anyone here like Mountain???? This is a great band from the early seventies, and I have their album Climbing!, and it rocks. I dont know if it's really prog, but proggy hard rock for sure. If you can, try to find a song called For Yasgur's Farm, and tell me that's not great...
Mountain is pretty good indeed. i wouldnt classify them completely as prog or anything...but certainly interesting hard rock from the 70s...also check out Warhorse....another borderline prog/hard rock band from that era too!
I actually have a question for anyone here who is familiar with "Anglagard".

If you have or have heard the album "epilog"...the song "Saknaden's Fullhet"....its basically just a 2 minute piano only song...but the melody is amazing. So haunting and atmospheric...like right out of a horror movie. SO much in fact, that i could swear (at least the beginning portion of it) is from a horror movie...but cant recall which one (if it indeed is). Can anyone confirm this for me? or even know what im talking about?
I also thought id recommend some good prog bands with female vocalists. I know some people may not like these type of bands, and ill be the first to admit that female fronted prog bands arent my favorite, but these 3 are pretty darn good.

1. Renaissance (check out Ashes Are Burning....absolutely fantastic)
2. Mellow Candle (check out swaddling songs..2 female harmonizing vocalists)
3. Affinity (check out their self titled...great blues based prog/psych)
i can't find hardly any of these bands online, though I only use soulseek. I downloaded a couple Affinity songs and it turned out to be a crappy hardcore band...
Plus I can't afford to buy many CD's. so alas I won't be able to hear most of this stuff. Might check back though if i hear anymore or have some more reccomendations. keep this thread alive.
super nintendo chalmers said:
i can't find hardly any of these bands online, though I only use soulseek. I downloaded a couple Affinity songs and it turned out to be a crappy hardcore band...
Plus I can't afford to buy many CD's. so alas I won't be able to hear most of this stuff. Might check back though if i hear anymore or have some more reccomendations. keep this thread alive.

this link might help a lot...try this place www.gepr.net/geprfram.htm
Land Of Grey And Pink said:
Nektar is NOT canterbury though, they are from germany and helped for the "Krautrock genre".
Not that it is of any importance where a band is from as long as they write good songs, yet Nektar are in fact not from Germany, but they are a British band often mistaken as a German band during their career (maybe because they spent a lot of their time in Germany and started their career here). You can read this and a lot more about the band´s history in the CD-booklet of the re-release of "Journey To The Centre Of The Eye".
It was released just about two months ago on Eclectic Discs (www.eclecticdiscs.com) as well as re-releases of "A Tab In The Ocean" and "Recycled". Just in case anyone might be interested: The re-release of "Journey To The Centre Of The Eye" contains the 1971 stereo mix and the 2004 5.1 Surround Remix and SACD layer (both with two bonus tracks: "1-2-3-4" and "Do You Believe In Magic"). The re-release of "A Tab In The Ocean" contains the original German mix 1972 and the 1976 US mix. And the re-release of "Recycled" contains the original album mix and the Geoff Emerick mix.

Actually, it was more or less by accident that I "discovered" Nektar just a few months ago. Someone had burned two CDs for me with songs from their albums and after some spins I started to really get into them, so when I saw a small ad in the German magazine Eclipsed announcing the re-releases of some of their albums, I decided to order them online. Great albums, especially "Journey To The Centre Of The Eye" and "A Tab In The Ocean"! Any suggestions which of their albums I should get next (and maybe also which to stay away from)?
Wow. good to know...ive had misinformation this whole time. But now that i know it, it certainly makes sense. They sounded far to british in many ways to be a german prog act. Thanks for the tip! :)

as for which albums i recommend from them....

REMEMBER THE FUTURE! is absolutely fantastic. Recycled is awesome as well!

edit: i just researched what you said...and yes...the members are indeed british, but they lived in germany, and decided to make german sounding prog rock with their british flair of course. So i guess thats how people make the mistake...a german based band, with british members in it. :)
Man, Mountain is really growing on me, if you guys can, check out the song "The Laird", its amazing. It is so eerie at times, but really happy at other times, heard it Land???

Also, has anyone checked out a band called The James Gang??? They are pretty great, I think they're more blues/rock, but check out the song Ashes The Rain and I. Very cool strings.
Somebody1 mentioned Funkadelic...Pretty cool to me, but my bro is totally crazy about both them and Faust. I will get some new stuff to listen to(Warhorse, Still Life etc.), so I'll drop a line or two about how I like it in a few days.
Mountain is indeed cool stuff. I havent heard the james gang or "made in sweden"...ill check them out though.

For those of you who are horror movie fans, ESPECIALLY fans of 70s italian horror from the greats like Argento, Bava, Fulci and the like....check out "Morte Macabre" - Symphonic Holocaust CD

its 2 members of anekdoten and 2 members of Landberk (2 great modern swedish prog bands in the old style)...who collaborated to make a tribute album featuring their interpretations of old horror movie themes (such as the beyond, cannibal holocaust, rosemary's baby and city of the living dead!)done in the old school progressive rock sound.

Its absolutely fantastic, i couldnt recommend this album enough to anyone here...its very..."metal"...haha. Check it out folks!
Morte Macabre sounds sweet.
Haven't seen any 70's Italian horrors though. Is Susperia good? I have the Goblin soundtrack and 'tis very good.

Two more bands that I've had for a while but was just listening to:

Curved Air - pretty good stuff, I only have 3 songs, which sound good and each one is quite different from eachother, which is a good sign..

Silver Apples - this stuff is pretty intense! they sound like they took huge doses of LCD and then had the worst trips of their lives while writing music. hehe, don't really know how else to explain it. definately not happy music.:D

@discouraged1: your Amaranth website isn't working for me. it just comes up blank...