Rate my Band

I reall hope for your sake this is just one of those midlife crisis, weekend warrior type of bands lol.

well, I am a busy man... so weekend gigs are what we do.. as for midlife, only 25 years old so nope. this is an experiment, gotta get a more stable practice spot together so we can put more effort into writing songs.

I'll probably springboard to somthing else after college. and it is more of a "hobby" as the one person suggests. I'm guess im not that dumb as to drop thousands of dollars chasing the dream like that invection band that just sucks no offense.
come on im still waiting to hear more of the awesome bands on this board... any direct links to your work or to a thread containing the bands music would be sweet. thanks.
Yeah, well the people that chase those dreams are the people making it somewhere with their lives, and the ones who might actually be remembered when they die. Beethoven died how many years ago? Do you think anyone will know you as anymore than a name 100 years from now?
wow that's a good one, "we can trash you but you can't trash us...." great moral-ethical perspective, lol. how cute they like to dish it out but can't take it.


Even though Josh is probably the very, very last person I'd agree with on this board he is fucking right. You asked us for opinions - you got them. If you can't handle them get the fuck out, it's as easy as that.

Yeah, true, but I don't think it's going to get any better. /b/ is like COBOT though in that it was never really all that amazing anyways and people love to be on it's dick about how awesome it was. They both are good for some entertainment every now and then, but eh.

Nowadays you can easily tell what's the cancer that is killing /b/:
-Lack of original content/reposts
-Forced memes
-Underage people (Nothing against underage people in general ==>camwhores and wannabe trolls)
Yeah, well the people that chase those dreams are the people making it somewhere with their lives, and the ones who might actually be remembered when they die. Beethoven died how many years ago? Do you think anyone will know you as anymore than a name 100 years from now?

actually i guarantee invection won't be getting anywhere with there shit.
narrow range of appreciation for music.
What does this mean? :lol:
I find something good about every genre (except country, because it is in NO WAY differnt than rock, just made by hicks).

You're a typical metalhead who thinks he's superior to the world, because no one else "gets metal". You're too old to be doing this shit man, get a fucking job.
No offense guys but I've played in those bands before and can write riffs like that in my sleep. Trying somthing new.

Dude, you've done NOTHIGN new. Do you think you like, somehow mixed the terrible quality of Ambient Black metal with boring normal metal, and think its new?

Pfft, metal is a relatively simple, and dull genre in itself, you have a few amazing bands, with a few amazing albums each, swimming in a massive ocean of shit.

We didn't like your band, and it hurt your feelings so much your anus dilated. Welcome to the internet, you are butthurt.

Edit: before attempting to troll him I really should have read the last page :lol:

Welcome back Codi.
Inb4 he starts looking for whatever it is each of us do so he can criticise it.

"Hey Leandro that article you wrote is pure shit I can do better in my sleep!"

What does this mean? :lol:
I find something good about every genre (except country, because it is in NO WAY differnt than rock, just made by hicks).

You're a typical metalhead who thinks he's superior to the world, because no one else "gets metal". You're too old to be doing this shit man, get a fucking job.

Dude, you've done NOTHIGN new. Do you think you like, somehow mixed the terrible quality of Ambient Black metal with boring normal metal, and think its new?

Pfft, metal is a relatively simple, and dull genre in itself, you have a few amazing bands, with a few amazing albums each, swimming in a massive ocean of shit.

We didn't like your band, and it hurt your feelings so much your anus dilated. Welcome to the internet, you are butthurt.

no hurt feelings... actually i can't stop life at how moronic you guys are...
and actually I've still yet to find any of the shit talkers posting there own material up here. if you talk the talk make sure you can walk the walk. its that simple.

Anyway, im out for a while. I'll check back later, and respond to any new critiques.
I think most people take a hint when there isn't even one dissenting opinion.

Oh, and I think your band sucks too.

P.S. Must suck to be going bald at 25. And thinking it's stupid to pursue music doesn't make you mature. It just means you value different things, or if you do love music that much, you're just too scared to take that risk yourself.