Rate the previous song.

I saw Watain last year supporting Kreator, awesome band. Sworn to the Dark = 8/10

Evile = Win.
Megadeth-Wake Up Dead
If you don't like it then you have no taste.

Saw Megadeth live last night :D but I fuckin missed Evile's set :cry: got there too damn late, I even missed te start of Megadeth's set. The venue was packed, so I was right at the back, but I managed to push to the front and it was a fuckin blast.

http://www.myspace.com/bloodbathband (Outnumbering the Day)
4/10... has some good guitar parts but overall its boring and I cant stand the singer

(Im not expecting a good score)
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it's sound a little like Madonna songs..well I don't know the genre of this music, it's kind of techno electro..

8/10, it's kind of entertaining, and it has cute guitar harmonies

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^4/10 Remebered the song from a fotball game XD
I do not have a video..: So im going to just say the name and you find it for yourself : Demons & Wizards - Poor mans crusade
I can't find that song on Youtube, you should make sure we can listen to it somehow first before posting, pick another song, or try to find a link to that one.

I'll continue... ... :erk:
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in flames eww lol 5/10

I'm sure everybody except marcio will hate that.. but the music, the guitars riffs and all are great..
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it's sound a little like Madonna songs..well I don't know the genre of this music, it's kind of techno electro..

8/10, it's kind of entertaining, and it has cute guitar harmonies

Plz... dont ever mention Madonna again... just... WTF... The Gathering isnt some lame pop on which you pole dance. Think twice before saying such things, it makes me cry. :cry:
4/10. I thought u liked original stuff :p half of the new bands coming out sound like that
