Rate this triple rectifier tone!

I really like the character of the tone and I LOVE the song, but yeah, it could use just a tad more bigness.

I also feel the guitars are a bit too low in the mix at times.
Pretty cool Ed, but a bit too thin as others have mentioned; however, I would tame the presence (or possible treble, but I'm thinking presence) as well as giving it a little more girth, it's kinda got that beehive sound I know all too well when Recto's have too much presence. Just minor tweakage though!
yeah - a lot of the treble is actually boosted back in with eq, rather than anything from the amp. im just playing around with the mic and settings now (albeit at lower volumes) and its sounding better.

what weird is the presence knob doesnt seem to be doing much atm....its been a while since i have used rectifiers - how responsive should the presence knob be?
Well I've never played a 3-channel, but I know on my 2-channel in Red mode I keep it at 9 o'clock! Though I've heard it's less potent on the orange channel on 3-channels, but still, it's a delicate balance (and I've heard of people running it almost completely down on the red channel on the 3-channel models)
In that case it might be the treble knob that's doing it (or maybe just your post-eq, depending on how extreme it was)
im using the orange channel, and its making barely any difference - ill try and do a clip tomorrow where its at max and min positions to show it.

On the Orange channel, you won't really hear any difference until you get to about 2-3 o'clock with the Presence control. On the red channel, you start to hear a difference at 8 o'clock. Big difference between the two channels in the 3-channel version. When I'm using the orange channel on my 3-channel DR, I usually have the presence around 2-3 o'clock, and when using the red channel I keep it at 9-10 o'clock.

So I guess what I'm saying is: Presence maxed on the Orange channel equals Presence at about half on the Red channel. At least that's how my ears perceive it.
On the Orange channel, you won't really hear any difference until you get to about 2-3 o'clock with the Presence control. On the red channel, you start to hear a difference at 8 o'clock. Big difference between the two channels in the 3-channel version. When I'm using the orange channel on my 3-channel DR, I usually have the presence around 2-3 o'clock, and when using the red channel I keep it at 9-10 o'clock.

So I guess what I'm saying is: Presence maxed on the Orange channel equals Presence at about half on the Red channel. At least that's how my ears perceive it.

Yup, the manual says the same
Sorry dude, I'm having a hard time focusing on the mix, because the song is fucking BAD AS MOTHERFUCK. Is this your shit? I want more. Help a niggah out. I just got paid.

Sounds damn good though. I don't think I could offer any advice that you haven't already thought of.
I think everything sounds great. I am a fan of the tone. I think the guitars might be able to come up a little bit louder and still not be overpowering though.

I REALLY love the drum sound too. :)
The mesa is OK, but I miss an other amp for the mids like a peavey 5150 or an engl (thunder, fireball) maybe a marshall JCM 2000.
But it still sounds amazing!!!!
I think the guitar is definitely the weakest link in that whole mix dude. The drums are amazing sounding, so would be nice to know what you did to them if it doesnt take things too far off topic.

Edit - the 2nd one is very much better, but i think you might be able to get even better than this. For some reason i really want to hear mids :lol:, but i realise what you're going for here.