Rate this triple rectifier tone!

guitars need a little more punch. Do you use a tubescreamer?
But this is a amazing mix!!!This mix sounds round and great!!!!
Maybe a "greater" guitar sound will destroy the harmonie between each instrument?
Hmm, can't put my finger on it, but not a big fan of the newest one either; it sounds as if you were quite cautious of the dustcap in mic'ing, too much so IMO (sounds kinda muffled/stuffy, and very little bite). Also, I of course would much prefer to have the majority Rectifier in there, seems like the 6505 fizz is the dominant quality in this one! :erk: But yeah, as mentioned before, drums are epic dude! Oooooh, but I gotta say, I'm REALLY not a fan of that sustained droning note in the left channel starting at 2:40 (is it the singer just holding a note?) - gets very tiresome IMO. Maybe panning it closer to the center would help...Oh, and the hi-hat is definitely too loud and a bit thin sounding (AND IS ON THE WRONG SIDE ARRRGGHHH :mad: :lol: )

And Greg, if you dig this, then you should definitely join that band you mentioned in the other thread methinks!
hey ED, am I wrong of its your song !!! dawgggggg I am really happy you have a vocalist on this right now. doesnt it feel so good !??
oh yeah. btw ich bin so drank. the clean vocals sound soo goodd.
I cant comment the guitar tone because of all the alcoolism in my blood but it sounds really sweeeeeet
Well accounting for the time difference, it's what, 2 AM over there? Fuck, I love my sleep and alcohol tires me out, so that's usually my bedtime on Fridays! :D
not so nice to go way off topic in Ed's thread, but hey yeah, yes it was 2am. I like to party-party but not as late as few years ago. I have a shitload of things to do today and I am fresh as a virgin. so it's all good. + we started early :p