Raven Black Night/Deadthings

Winmar said:
It's a nice place, but the comments above don't make living there sound too good!

I like living here, although ive never actually lived anywhere else so i cant compare.
The thing i like about Adelaide the most is that it is so easy to get around in having such a small city surrounded by beautiful parklands *sighs*
Adelaide is the only city other than Melbourne that I'd consider living in. I've haven't been there long term, mind you, and last time I was there I was hassled for being a "rich white boy" in Rundle Mall, but all the same...
I liked Adelaide... then again I've only been there twice, once to play a gig and once to just get out of Sydney for the weekend.

I can't go back though... I made the mistake of pissing someone off who has alot of friends :p haha
Danallica said:
bah Adeliade is awesome, it has a really good metal scene, what on earth are you on about :u-huh:

I guess I posted how I feel wrong. I think Adelaide's metal scene is great. Great, friendly people with some killer bands. BUT, it is way too lazy for my liking - hence not many bands coming here. Nile didn't get anywhere near the attendance is should've and Bodom has been our only saving grace so far. So glad that sold out. Fozzy definitely was underattended and that was one of the best gigs I've ever been to.

Hopefully Municipal Waste, Black Label Society and Cannibal Corpse all go well so we can put our name back on the map as a place to tour when hit Australia, not just the east coast.
phlogiston said:
Adelaide is the only city other than Melbourne that I'd consider living in. I've haven't been there long term, mind you, and last time I was there I was hassled for being a "rich white boy" in Rundle Mall, but all the same...

yeh Rundle Mall has some great shops and eateries but there are ALOT of tools that hang around there
ceydn said:
I guess I posted how I feel wrong. I think Adelaide's metal scene is great. Great, friendly people with some killer bands. BUT, it is way too lazy for my liking - hence not many bands coming here. Nile didn't get anywhere near the attendance is should've and Bodom has been our only saving grace so far. So glad that sold out. Fozzy definitely was underattended and that was one of the best gigs I've ever been to.

Hopefully Municipal Waste, Black Label Society and Cannibal Corpse all go well so we can put our name back on the map as a place to tour when hit Australia, not just the east coast.

ah ok, i get ya now.
Thats the shit thing about Adeliade, everyone complains that we get no good international bands here, yet when they do come, more often than not, the turnouts are so shit.
Ill definately be heading to municipal waste and more than likely cannibal corpse, I doubt ill see BLS, too much $ for a band im not that into. I hope bls do get a good turnout, thebby is a cool place
How about Hindley Street? Haha. That's where we've stayed every time... It's a pretty scummy street that one!

I gotta say, the people who do make it to the shows in Adelaide are awesome!! Really get into it, and really nice people, and really appreciative too. Not last weekend but the Adelaide trip before that, was the most merch we've ever sold at a show too and spent an hour doing photos and signing stuff, it was awesome. People in Melbourne are a bit spoiled when it comes to bands so you don't get that kinda response here.

Oh also, 108 Lounge is probably the worst strip club I've been too, despite how much fun I had the first time there!
Trixxi Trash said:
How about Hindley Street? Haha. That's where we've stayed every time... It's a pretty scummy street that one!

I gotta say, the people who do make it to the shows in Adelaide are awesome!! Really get into it, and really nice people, and really appreciative too. Not last weekend but the Adelaide trip before that, was the most merch we've ever sold at a show too and spent an hour doing photos and signing stuff, it was awesome. People in Melbourne are a bit spoiled when it comes to bands so you don't get that kinda response here.

Oh also, 108 Lounge is probably the worst strip club I've been too, despite how much fun I had the first time there!

haha Hindley steet is terrible, good bars and stuff, teh Enigma bar is an awesome live music venue, but waling around there at 4 am you have a high chance of getting stabbed, which really sucks

I think, like you say, that more often than not the crowds are good here becuase we are genereally starved for top class music, so when some cool bands play they get the full support from the crowd


I woulnt know about Lounge 108 :blush: :lol: :kickass:
Sounds like a place of contrasts! I like Adelaide; it has a lot of great old buildings, and the parks and river are very nice too.

Didn't Opeth get a pretty shitty turnout in Adelaide? Or at least ticket sales were low prior to the gig.... Not good. If people don't go, bands won't tour.
Winmar said:
Sounds like a place of contrasts! I like Adelaide; it has a lot of great old buildings, and the parks and river are very nice too.

Didn't Opeth get a pretty shitty turnout in Adelaide? Or at least ticket sales were low prior to the gig.... Not good. If people don't go, bands won't tour.

Yeh Opeth wasnt great, although the venue they played at was to big for them imo, they would have got around 1200-1400 out of a 2000 capactity venue so its not terrbile
That setup for Opeth was terrible. The seats in back were just embarrasing, gave people a reason not to stand up and take in The Eternal. And the stalls for god's sake. Ah well. Didnt affect me, being about three people back the whole time.

And on RBL, I talk to the one and only Jimmy the White Knight every so often. Talked to him on Thursday cuz he comes in to my work, talked about the Eternal gig that would follow two days later. Promised him i'd go, then I ended up going to a dude's party.
I too had the pleasure of conversing with Jim after the gig saturday night, hes a really cool guy...they played some new tracks as well, they sounded really cool, looking forward to their next release
Goreripper said:
Several promoters won't even book shows in Adelaide anymore. Current example: the upcoming Fear Factory tour. No Adelaide show.
Interesting, FF first show here was a crazy and big crowd by all accounts.

It often is the case that bands subsequent tours attract smaller no.s in Adelaide. It'll be interesting seeing what Cannibal Corpse pull, they might be an exception to the rule.

Adelaide has been on the sad side for sometime, I remember when I was running The Black Dawn I was trying to whip up interest in building a face for metal here in SA. Wanting to get people just going out to a metal club for the sake of it, like the old days. Now there is the War Room but I dont know if i'd call that a true metal club...

Yes, Hindley st. is a terrible place but they've cleaned it up quite a bit. It still gets feral though. I've have some horrible experiences there for sure.