Raventale - for fans of "post Burzum" stuff like Drudkh

Spun it again today.

Not *too* similar to Autumn Aurora... just enough!

NP: Raventale - Небес Смолистая Чернь :kickass:
This sounded really good, I have to check if any Finnish distros has the album available.

Will the future-releases also has programmed drums or have you planned to use a real drummer in the future?

Good question, thanks. At present, I really think of improvement of quality of record of the material. The second album will sound on much better!! Yes, I plan to use live drums. The matter is that in our country to afford such pleasure costs not small money. So......
Wow. Just got this in today and have only listened to it once, but so far, it's excellent. I like the heavy keyboard presence and this album really does complement Drudkh. :kickass: :rock:
Small update. The label has confirmed that they will send me 20 copies, so they are definitely coming. I've asked him to ship ASAP, I will let you know what I hear.

Since I was one of the people that you had to refund because you ran out, can you let me know before everybody else? I'm also better looking than everybody around here, so maybe that will make a difference.
Since I was one of the people that you had to refund because you ran out, can you let me know before everybody else? I'm also better looking than everybody around here, so maybe that will make a difference.

Well...what would Nathan do?

The copies I get in have to go to those who said they would wait or took the credit first. I only had one person request a refund (ahem) and there were about 12 orders, so you should be ok, regardless of your looks. :kickass: