Raventale - for fans of "post Burzum" stuff like Drudkh

If anyone (perhaps even you Rob) has a sample of the latest Elysian Blaze, please share! I would go to their myspace but the track from the new album doesn't seem to work.
I was just looking at Elysian Blaze stuff and I see they have an album out in 2007, the one I uploaded was in 2006.
They just releases the one containing the demo plus an extra track. They are also working on the follow-up to Levitating The Carnal. When I last spoke to Dave (Asphyxiate Recs) he said he had heard some advance material and it was unbelievable. :kickass:
I think everyone that was going to receive a copy has already mentioned that it arrived. There was one person that never replied to the email I sent out stating it was out of stock. Now that I look at it, I think it was you (are you at 25 Bradshaw Ave?). I never received anything saying the email didn't go through so I'm not sure what happened but I just sent it again (not that it helps any). :erk:

Yeah, that's me - just checked my email, still nothing there - did I put my address in right? It's phil@ultimatemetal.com or philwhitehouse@hotmail.com.
I finally heard from Backfire Prods today. He's shipping the cds within the next day or so. Hopefully I will have them here in a week to 10 days. I'm getting 20 copies so everyone should be able to get one. For the people that have already paid, I will be in touch once they are here to discuss which Arse Magnet title you want. :rock:
Assuming we can't order them till their in, kindly start a new thread when the shipment arrives and they're available for order. Thanks.:kickass:

I love the fourth track. And Astaroth really does have an ability to express his feelings and emotions in such a beautiful form.

Yes, that song is absolutely beautiful, it's the hightlight of the album; the closer is what makes me have to listen to the entire album again though. I love the slow steel picking and deep growls. Absolutely beautiful; moreover, this is terrible that I actually agree with YOU.

I just ordered my copy from Arse... so hopefully he still has one in stock.
^ Yepp, that album is great.
I've heard some fresh materia from upcoming album, and I must say, that the stuff I heard did actually show that it's Raventale. I mean, it does sound like Ravntale. It's just that new album's going to have a bit different theme.

moreover, this is terrible that I actually agree with YOU.
You can just fuck off.
Good to hear about the new Raventale, I'm glad he has a different theme though. I'm sure it will be good because the album is just pure emotion.
You should drum for Raventale... that'd be hellish.
I could drum for Raventale. But people probably wouldn't take this band seriously with a female drummer. Anyway, I told Astaroth, that if there's anything - he can count on me. But he has this drummer guy from his second 5 members project. So I guess, there're no problem such "where should I get a drummer?".