RC Forum CD-R swap party

jimbobhickville said:
Still, I don't see what you have against Cynic. Virtuoso musicians creating a unique and interesting sound. Is it just the vocoder that bugs you? I personally don't understand why vocals can't be processed like every other instrument. Not that that's what you think, but I've heard people say that. To me, it's the same as distorted guitars, effects, synthesizers, and any other type of processing used in recordings nowadays.
No, it's not the vocals really, although there are times when vocal effects can kill a perfectly good album - see Witchcraft.

My problem with Cynic is that I've always had difficulty accepting jazz progression as something of quality entertainment. For that same reason, I cannot listen to Pestilence's Spheres, or even Death's Symbollic. However, I totally accept that the musicianship is remarkable.

With all that said, I also don't like straightforward DM either. I'll take alternative ingredients thrown into DM such as black, folk, ambient, doom, etc. but I'll skip the overt jazz. Maybe one day I'll learn to like Cynic, Spheres, or Symbollic - I'm certainly not getting rid of them from my collection.
Ive got gobs of black metal. If anyones looking for anything by Xasthur or Emperor or such. My recent wants:

Watain- Rabid Death Curse
Bergthron- Faust Für Faust
Pest- Black Thorns
Nokturnal Mortem- Twilightfall
Agalloch- Of stone Wind and Pillor
JayKeeley said:
You gotta be kidding me. I'm not sure how much more raving we can do about this band on this forum. :tickled: It depends on what you're looking for (and it seems like you're on a big straightforward death metal kick as of late), but I've yet to hear anyone put the Hammers down (other than slight criticism that the last song on The August Engine was too long).

I guess I should pay more attention. :tickled: I need to go back through some of those threads as I've already forgotten how you described their music. I think the thing that stopped me from buying it is that I have this misconception that it's going to be some gay proggy nonsense, but apparently this is not true. The End has both The Bastard and The August Engine in stock, so I may just dive in and buy at least one of the two.

I also went ahead and ordered In the Woods, Empyrium and Green Carnation, maybe that will calm me down a little bit. :p

Also, I recommend that if anyone has not heard Anata, Arghoslent, Asmegin, etc. they do so immediately. Anata's "Under a Stone With No Inscription" is fighting for number one of 2004 right now.
Opeth17 said:
I think the thing that stopped me from buying it is that I have this misconception that it's going to be some gay proggy nonsense
I don't think JayKeeley has the ability to recommend anything that fits that description. :tickled:
Alright, I'm getting The Bastard, it sounds like it rules. Plus someone mentioned Blue Oyster Cult in one of those threads as a comparison and I recall them ruling from the many hours spent listening to them as a young lad. :loco:
Opeth17 said:
Alright, I'm getting The Bastard, it sounds like it rules. Plus someone mentioned Blue Oyster Cult in one of those threads as a comparison and I recall them ruling from the many hours spent listening to them as a young lad. :loco:
Dude - don't just take my word for it! Check MP3 samples at their website: www.hammersofmisfortune.com. The Bastard is a fantasy-concept story (tongue-in-cheek) and leverages all sorts of genre trademarks: blastbeats merging into folk melodies only to be thrown into some rampant doom. The August Engine is slightly more retro in that it leans towards a 70's sound, but maintains a modern day hard edge - I did a review so feel free to read that. Both albums have multi-vocals between both male and female.

Also check www.aquariusrecords.org for more descriptions and samples, etc. Those guys describe them pretty adequately.

LotFP 'zine listed both The Bastard and The August Engine as albums of the year for 2001 and 2003 I guess.

I'll be totally shocked if an Opeth fan could not appreciate the genius of the Hammers. :cool:
Ayeka said:
No-one got any CDs on my want list? :erk:
No we have them, we're just reluctant to get something in return from you. It'll either be all "Hitler Hitler, shoot the negroid" or "Rock me baby with your cherry pie" kinda stuff. :loco:
You know, I couldn't have put it much better myself :blush:

What is I raid my dad's CDs and offer Chris Rea's Greatest Hits? :Saint:
Under a Stone said:
I have some pretty rare death metal albums such as Cadaver's ...In Pains, Massacra's Enjoy The Violence and Therion's Beyond Sanctorum(original Active Records release). I'm willing to trade them in CD-R.

I'll add a wantlist(though i bet hardly anyone here has these releases).

Adramelech - Pure Blood Doom
Cadaver - Hallucinating Anxiety
The Chasm - From The Lost Years
JayKeeley said:
The Bastard is a fantasy-concept story (tongue-in-cheek) and leverages all sorts of genre trademarks: blastbeats merging into folk melodies only to be thrown into some rampant doom.

I'll be totally shocked if an Opeth fan could not appreciate the genius of the Hammers. :cool:

Sounds good to me. Concept stories rule, as do blastbeats merging into folk melodies.

Now if only The End would re-stock Drudkh and Hate Forest I'd be all set for yet another haul.
Judging from the Hate Forest I received yesterday, The End = Kings of selling used CDs for the price of new. :mad: Oh who cares, 95% good service with slow shipping half the time, I won't complain. Loudly.

Last time RedStream had Drudkh in stock they had to give me a refund, I think I ended up getting it from The End.
NAD said:
Judging from the Hate Forest I received yesterday, The End = Kings of selling used CDs for the price of new. :mad: Oh who cares, 95% good service with slow shipping half the time, I won't complain. Loudly.

Never had any problems with The End here. I live in Colorado + The End in Utah=fast cd arrival.
There was a time when we thought The End's shipping method involved a mule because it took so damn long. :p They are probably my favorite mailorder though, except of course half.jew
NAD said:
There was a time when we thought The End's shipping method involved a mule because it took so damn long. :p They are probably my favorite mailorder though, except of course half.jew

I remember that. I bet you guys are just cheap asses that won't pay 3 bucks for faster shipping. :tickled: