RC Forum CD-R swap party

when it comes to quicker shipping: Red Stream>The End

Though Willowtip, Barbarian Wrath-Vinland and Deathgasm kick the crap outta both.
Hate Forest - Battlefields showed up in considerably less than new condition. Since I know this isn't a regular practice with The End it's not that big a deal, but I don't really like my jewel cases scuffed to shit and thumbprints all over the back of a CD BEFORE I open the package. :Smug:

Opeth17 said:
I remember that. I bet you guys are just cheap asses that won't pay 3 bucks for faster shipping. :tickled:
God damn right!!! :loco: I REFUSE to pay for shipping for anything reaching into the double digits. Check this out, in ultimate jewery: I order shit from Barnes and Noble online all the time. Why?

Free shipping for orders over $25.
10% off their in-store price for EVERYTHING
5% discount for Member's Club
7% cashback when I use my Discovercard

The best part? I'm still pissed they don't give me free bookmarks with every order like they used to! :tickled:
Yea whenever I order CD's from Red Stream the top CD almost always has a crack in the case. Red stream is really fast for me. 3 Days maximum usually. Although if you were to count THR (Factoring in that they ship from Sweden) they would usually win.
I can recommend some music I enjoy, but I don't know if it'll be your thing.

Anata, Arghoslent, Asmegin, Arsis, Lamented Souls, etc.

I didn't list anything I assumed you already have (Blut Aus Nord, In the Woods, Empyrium, etc.)

Anyway, my collection is probably mainly death metal and from what I gather your main interest is black metal so if you don't want any of this then we'll just say 'screw it'. :tickled:

I'm sure J. has The Chasm and everyone but me has NB, so I'll figure out something. :grin:
I have everything from The Chasm, and everything (except the demo) from NB. But I don't have a CD burner. I suck.
Erik said:
I must say I'm impressed with how Opeth17's music tastes has evolved since he came here... When he was basically OH OH OPETH BORKNAGAR VINTERSORG and not so much else, and now he listens to lots of the bands that are regularly praised on the forum. Then again, that might just be a wrong conception I've gotten :p

:tickled: It's probably just part of that progression you make. When I came here I had only been listening to "true" metal for a few months, but it was basically only Opeth, In Flames etc. with a couple bands like Slayer thrown in. Being here has been great because it has really sped up my finding new bands and branching out in all directions.

I've got Drudkh, Hate Forest, Hammers of Misfortune, Bergthron etc. on the way, and I doubt I'd have heard of a lot of these bands without this forum.

P.S. When I came I was basically just OH OH OPETH. I didn't discover Borknagar and Vintersorg until last winter. :grin:
Erik if you make that best of doom-cdr you mentioned, post the track listing here and i'll download them myself. i've basically never heard any doom bands since it's a genre i have zero intrest in, but a best of compilation might change that