Real guitar amps and bass amp mix.

Joshua Wickman

Yes Sir!
Feb 11, 2009
Also this is my first mix on my Event Opals as well. So a lot of new things for me here. I only have like 2 hours into this mix so i may need to adjust some things.


Guitar-5150>Mesa cab>57 and Beyer Dynamic mc834 each on a different speaker.

Bass-Ampeg svt-3 pro with Ampeg cab>Re20 mic

Drums are real overheads and slate samples on the skins. I did blend like 4 samples for the snare though.

Original- Test.mp3

Tried to glue the mix a little better with some verbs and stuff....

V1- v1.2.mp3

This mix has a few db mid scoop on my Finalizer.

V2 v1.3.mp3
I like you! ;)

Yea I think i got the guitars sounding better now and Ryan is taking a stab at some reamps as well for fun. Should have a few more mixes soon.

Oh i should have mentioned I only did a high pass at 60hz and a low pass at 10k. No other eq in that first mix on guitars and now I did a few cuts and it really opened the mix up more i think.
Seems a little bit lifeless and need some glue. I can really recommend you trying Slate VCC. I bought it and used it for my last project. Really thought it added some glue in a nice way.
And i feel that the drums are a bit loud. Not digging the snare and the kick, but i guess that is a matter of taste. But im not a fan of Slate's sample stuff.

But good job nonetheless :)
agreed on all counts with crilleman.

very sterile and no vibe broski!!!!!!

i feel like i'm listening to this in an anechoic chamber almost....


tone is pretty sweet tho =D
low pass at 10k might be a little to much, guitars sound dull. drums sound good tho, maybe some reverb for the vocals and guitar they kinda sound to.. i dunno to live? or in a completely different room than the drums i dunno just my thoughts, i really like it tho just needs a bit more life! song was pretty sick to

whats the band called?
Yea i'm trying some weired stuff with verb on the guitars and stuff for fun. I will post a new mix in a second. The band wanted more bass guitar as well, or i should say the bassist wanted more bass guitar.