Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Wandrail said:
Eh, well, long time ago I probably posted these on here already, but here anyway...I once had long hair -sniff sniff-


But now it is gone...I don't have alot of pictures. Don't have much reason to take them. Eh, heres one from like a year ago, not looking quite the same these days though...


Definitely cool pictures. :cool: I especially like the black and white pic. :dopey:
You sir rock!
Yeah that's one from a bunch of band of the few of what was a plethora to survive a certain psychotic ex... upsetting. I dunno what we'll do for pictures on the upcoming stuff - I look these days like...not very metal haha, don't know how we'll manage any decent image - oh WELL! :P
:lol: :lol: Ha! You know...I really don't look like that dude one bit. I have a fatter head I think. AND - my hair is a decent bit longer than when the pic from this icon was taken. And right now I'm fokkin - halfway drunk.
Aw, yes, it's cute, Seraphim :) I like the colour and the sweet face he has :)
What's his name?
I have 2 cats. I LOVE cats. One's called Cleopatra Sissi (7 years) and the other one is Luna Bastet (2 years). Cleo's a bit antisocial, but Luna is so sociable and sweet. Maybe I'll post a pic of them later.
I love cats...I am almost ashamed to admit, I have visited a number of times. :blush: Harhar...I used to have four cats, all of them great, I miss the things. Here's the one I had since I was 10 and had to put to sleep a few years ago. :erk: A himalayan...
