Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Yeah, it pretty much sucked, especially having to go see the little thing at the vet before they did it. Its just an animal you know, but she's at death's door, laying on the little metal table all nasty looking because her liver basically was kaput, which affects their coats etc...but when I walked in she got all happy and started purring and trying to meow and stuff -sniff- it was touching, dammit. I had had her from the time I was 10 until I was 21!
Me in my unshaved glory :loco:

This is kind of putting up some of our new website, I was clearing out oooooold images left from many revisions ago and found these old pics from a previous main webpage! I was kind of excited because all our pictures were destroyed from when we played shows etc...the two dudes at center aren't even in the band anymore, and I think I'm about to eat the microphone...ah, the days of scream and growl vocals...

Kitty said:
I was stating that when a guy that has stubble rubs against someone say a lady's skin it usually leaves skin burn from the stubble. :p shave it or grow it out. jaa jaa

Ah... Yeah, it is kinda prickly, isn't it? :blush:

*grows it out* :muahaha:
>winds so hard to you feel like your head will fall off

yeah i almost feel my head trying to unscrew itself just from reading that :-D

@Susie: that's one hell of a beach! is that sunset or twilight?
EagleFlyFree said:
>winds so hard to you feel like your head will fall off

yeah i almost feel my head trying to unscrew itself just from reading that :-D

@Susie: that's one hell of a beach! is that sunset or twilight?
that was around 7 at night just after sunset :Spin: i wanna be back there :erk:
Koichi said:
That's because there is no waves.

Aussie's like waves, to us Susie, that is a shitty beach :p

You can have it.
well you would say that cos you live there, you jammy bastard, and besides i did a bit of surfing hahahhahahaa on my polistyrene boogie board and nearly killed myself :grin: went to scarborough beach, is that right? anyway there were lots of life guards permantly savin ppl not me though i was like a fish hahaha :tickled: well a whale then :grin:
i finally have some pics of myself! i'll resize them and soon i'll put them on here.

brace yourself for i'm going to amuse the world!!!! :tickled: