Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Kitty said:
^ ha ha ha great now everyone in the library just stared at me funny cuz I started laughing at this thread. I hope you are happy distracting me from my education!
tell me about the furniture there is in the library :loco:

mourningstar said:
about all the furniture-raping comments: it didn't say no, and it didn't complain afterwards, so there's nothing wrong with it. but next time i'll find something lower than that, it wasn't that comfortable. :p

@xeno: don't sleep too much, or you won't look like benicio del toro anymore!

:grin: That made my day! Hehehe... or Benico Del Toro from Fear and Loathing? :p

Oh, next time, find a nice coffee table, and it would help to be in some appropriate night-wear. :loco:
here I am! Nyan, nyan!


I'm a nice :p
xenophobe said:
:grin: That made my day! Hehehe... or Benico Del Toro from Fear and Loathing? :p
from "21 grams". or from "the pledge" :p

and i'm not taking pictures of my future sex actions, involving sofa's, cupboards or armchairs.

psssst, xeno: above your avatar.... it's "fili" ;)

@rusty: busted. lee was hiding in the cupboard.
c'mon, be serious! like i always am :loco:
mourningstar said:
from "21 grams". or from "the pledge" :p

and i'm not taking pictures of my future sex actions, involving sofa's, cupboards or armchairs.

psssst, xeno: above your avatar.... it's "fili" ;)
Thank you! :blush: Oh, and I asked for no sofas cupboard, armchairs or footstools mind you. :p

Malicious Misery, you're quite welcome. :)
very cool! I watch anime when it comes on TV . I used to buy dvds and stuff but i stopped hehehe now that i got a DVDR drive i just borrow and burn hahahaha :)