Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Kitty said:
Ah, but it doesn't matter if someone already has a cat by the same name. How many people have kittens named Fluffy ? :p

Umm jee, well I think i'd roll the kitty over and check the sex.............. :Smug:
In case you missed it, technically, it's not my cat....yet. :Smug: But like they say, 'possesion is 9/10ths of the law' :rolleyes: She's (I think it's a she) incredibly shy though, but once I catch her stalking about at the edje of my yar (it's the next door neighbours cat) I will lure her out and see for you. ;)

There last cat spent more time at my house than it did at 'home' (there house)
^ Gaby has the same deal with her feline buddy. And cats aren't to be owned but to be guarded and cared for. :p Plus its the person that cares for it most that the kitty will love anyways.
the cat loves me and i love the cat
its all i have in the world
when i moev i will katnapp the kat the cat is mine! mine! my preicious! and if hse lseeps with me it mseans she lvoes me! (l) (l) (l)
Rusty said:
@ Violet: what else are women for?? Aside from the obvious, which I'm sure a cat wouldn't be interested in...

do you use women for food??? :err:

edit: oh, yeah, sure, what else, we're talking about you :p

(you know i love you :grin: )
err... what i wrote wasn't clear to me, either. probably the connection was: you sort of implied violet's cat stays with her 'cause she feeds it, so women are "useful" for food only (aside for sex - but a reference to your sexual activity wasn't meant to be the main feature of my post), and an action of cannibalism was the image i had. my turn to be confused now.

ask and you'll be given a further explanation, provided i can came up with one :Spin:

me and 1/2 opeth last year, when i met them for the first time. is there a better occasion to show the camera the most stupid face ever? :Smug:
but i'm glad i was on that side, if i had been where my friend was i would have been tempted to drink from mikael's straw :lol:
mourningstar said:

me and 1/2 opeth last year, when i met them for the first time. is there a better occasion to show the camera the most stupid face ever? :Smug:
but i'm glad i was on that side, if i had been where my friend was i would have been tempted to drink from mikael's straw :lol:
:lol: This picture looks like...someone should have called the police...
EagleFlyFree said:
speak for yourself, melonhead!
edit: for some reason i thought you said she wasn't sexy... nm

seraphim is sexy, therefore every of her pics are sexy

i noticed this when i first saw her. but this one and that over the shoulder one in particular are very much so.