Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

holy shit hellcat, yeah. .. .you're. . ummm. . . . a babe and a half

Why do all the pretty ladies live far away :cry:
@Jennie: Woah! :eek:

This isn't funny anymore. :bah: How come finland gets to hoard the majority of the worlds beautiful women? :(
Jennie said:
Geez, what could I say except for thank you :>
I could think of alot more things you could say besides just 'thank you' ;) But usually that is the kinda stuff which gets me in trouble with the other guys when I supposedly 'scare the nice lady folk away', so I'll keep my mouth shut. :(
ok this is me with my 3 pets... i thought we should have one of all of us together before any of us dies :Spin:
so, here i am in my morning glory, unbrushed hair cheesy smile and no makeup, and then my cat and dogs
Seraphim said:
I have a Yorkie too, Very cool cat . The one in the sweater wants to get away. You look great in the morning how do ya do it?
haha the cat and the Chihuahua (the one that wants to get away) are terrified of the dog in the middle (Pelusa). she's a puppy and wants to play all the time, so she takes turns torturing the other two :D
i stole the cat from my neighbors muahahahaha

as for the morning thing, its an optical illusion: you just need to have 3 adorable cute pets in a pic with you ;)