Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Spike said:
No I didn't, otherwise it woulda been:

"Thanks for the welcomes :) and for the compliments, you guys are really... great, except for the PERVERTED FRRRREAK SPIKE WHO'S GUTS I HATE AND I WISH HE'D DIE" :yell: Just like all the ones before have said. :rolleyes:

Nah, you can't freak me out easily. ;)

And there was no hesitation or silent errrrrs in my message before... You're imaginating things!! :)
Jennie said:
Nah, you can't freak me out easily. ;)

And there was no hesitation or silent errrrrs in my message before... You're imaginating things!! :)
That sounds like an invitation? :Smug:
I would have a dog, if i I was allowed to have one. I'm not allowed to have any kind of pets in my apartment, but heck, I needed some company and a cat's more easier to hide than a dog.
That's a cute cat. I personally prefer cats to dogs, myself. Especially every morning when mine is barking his head off for no damn reason whatsoever.

Awww... cute kitty!

*tugs at your hat*
