Lolita Vampiriá said:
@mourningstar, so please show us what is fashionable then in
your opinion? And your clothes, got any pictures?

Dolce & Gabbana perhaps..?
now, what a stupid reply you wrote. one doesn't have to own any d&g clothes or to dress like a top model everyday to state something isn't fashionable or is, to say the least, a bit
i could go around naked or covered with rags everyday, for what matters, and still i would be able to express my opinion on the subject.
if you want to know something about
me personally, maybe hoping to find a little something to build your next reply on, here you go: personally, i seldom wear designer clothes, i much prefer to pick what i like instead of going hunting for expensive clothes. style and good taste don't necessarily go together with expensive clothes. but i happen to have worked for an important fashion company and helped organising their fashion shows last year, so i know something about fashion (even if i don't like that world).
luckily i added mine wasn't a personal comment, otherwise you would have written a book instead of a post, quoting all the appearances of marimekko in movies, tv shows and pictures in the last decade.
also, i think i've been polite, i didn't say your dress is crap (and i don't think it is); perhaps you take things a bit too seriously, and consider every post that contains a quote to a message of your's as a personal attack, unless there is written something on the lines of "how beautiful you are".
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Did you know that Carrie [Sarah Jessica Parker] aka trendsetter/actress of Sex and the City loves Marimekko designs?
Marimekko's Unikko design fabric (same as my curtains, in blue) has just been seen on Sex and the city just a couple of weeks ago. So what is fashion now if not that.
this doesn't disprove me: still finland isn't famous for fashion. as is america (i think sj parker is american).
one thing is for sure: austin power would love those clothes.