Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

@Spaffe: bats rule! I think they're beautiful. The snouts and ears are what makes them cute to me... but then, I love vultures, rats, crows, ravens, and mice as well.
Bats and cadaver eating birds are like angels to me...

@Hearse: I thought you were tired of my saying you're cute. So I'm on my way to harass other people. :D
I have very dark hair, so it only tinted it. If I have light hair it would work, but of course I don't. :p

There's not enough peroxide in the dye. I'll have to try that new stuff for dark hair, but it may not work either.... why I'm writing this, I don't know.
Hey first time posting my pic...i have new ones on the way, but you must wait for those. In the meantime, I hope I don't look TOO bad, but who gives a fuck so what the hell:



Hearse said:
yeah nice pics christie..
that second pic makes me wonder what really happens in it and why are you wearing those costumes :p
wrestling? :D

Haha sorry, Hearse..I'm just a cheerleader, no wrestling. :) But here are some more that I just got in today:

Driving around...

It's blurry, so I'm sorry..but bluh

okay in this one I blinked, haha

all for now!
Christie_fell said:
Haha sorry, Hearse..I'm just a cheerleader

hm, a cheerleader who's into extreme metal? now that's something you don't come across everyday, "cool" is perhaps not the right word for it, cheerleading is pretty ehm... nice pics anyway
Hah yeh I get that a lot..but I'm into metal, but also into cheering..uncommon yes--but possible. Trying to influence the rest of the squad, but so far unsuccessful. Thanks for the nice comments, guys.