Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Hey, someone on another board told me "Spike, you're gay". I took that as the ultimate in subtle compliments, as I am the happiest I have been in years, and it obviously shows through on the boards. ^_^
Hm here is a boring pic of me i took when i was bored so :tickled:

Iam sure he was trashed, that was at the end of the night, just as everyone was getting ready to go. They were pretty cool guys, nice of themto hang opt during the whole show. Some bands are "too good" tohang out with everyone.

Here's the pics I took of them on stage:







I love this one, intense \m/

If any of you want to view all th pics from the James Murphy benefit, here's the link:
There's 66 pics in total, 2 pages. Some of the bands you probably don't know, the show was in Michigan on September 17 and 18.