Really Official UM´s Member Pictures


Later the same day :grin:
its not fair, lolita looks like the most sober of us 3, when im sure she doesnt even remember having that picture taken :bah:
rottendoll said:
mike(xeno) already did not long ago then people had bad things to say for some reason so i dont want make ppl act like stupid again.. if ya know what i mean

Oh ok, sorry for that.

And oh lolita you're beautiful too. I think there are many UM members that are really friends with each other. Wish i could go hang out with you guys too.
If you have it uploaded onto the net, just use the image command when you press "Post Reply" and copy/paste the address. If you don't have it on the net, I'll host it for you and post it here, no problem. You'll just have to send it to me so I can upload it.

EDIT: e-mail the picture to and I'll post it here. The offer stands for anyone else who wants a pic hosted/posted too.
Northern Viking said:
"Waaiiiit.. is it.. yoouuu? Are yooouuuu.. for reeeeaaaaal?" :lol:
Im sorry but I still find it funny :p
HAHAHA!! I do remember that, for your information, that is, V.B. :grin: Damnit it must have been funny. :tickled: I reckon I was drunk this time (also). A bit embarassing. :blush:
However it was such a funny and eventful night, I met so many great people, old and new friends. But I don't remember who took that picture. :blush: What can you do, I seriously luv teh beer. :p

@RosesOfShadow: oh thank you for the compliment. :)
Pic of me gazing forlornly into a dirty pool of water;

One of me smiling like an idiot;

This one is so 'Opeth' it hurts;

Piccie of my fiancee;

And a godawfully unflattering pic of both of us, unfortunately the only pic of us together that I have on the 'putermachine right now;

We are rubber!