Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

some of these are not the greatest quality:erk: but still good photos:)

this photo was taken for the year book, sweeeeeettt:kickass:
too much no-doze, too little sleep.
...and this one just for the fun...

i found one of me three years blonde

I was born there and lived there for 9 years before coming to Secondary school in England. And I visit every holiday.....3-4 times a year.

I pictured you to be a pasty lanky British guy.

Now I need a picture for verification.

I also pictured you to look like your sig.

Regardless of appearance, pwned.

Compilation of photos from Afghanistan

Looks pretty much like the photo of Carline, except mine doesn´t fire paint!

Me, about 5 years ago, at Wacken open Air (notice horizontal goatee:))
You look like an ass kicker and a name taker.

If I had to pick somebody on the board to be my body guard, it would be you.