Really Official UM´s Member Pictures


:OMG: How...?? :OMG:

Originally posted by Thanatos
if you ever wondered how a tr00 metaller falls asleep, here's the answer:


I can't really tell what your face looks like, but you look pretty cute to me.
Shit...I've been dating a short-haired non metal guy for over a year now and though I love him dearly, I still have this thing for long-haired metal boys.
Originally posted by tara
I can't really tell what your face looks like, but you look pretty cute to me.
Shit...I've been dating a short-haired non metal guy for over a year now and though I love him dearly, I still have this thing for long-haired metal boys.

thanks :)

I shall print this post and read it when I'm feeling down :)
@SexualistDeath - VERY cute pictures, I especially like the last one!

@Hearse - awesome photos - you guys all look really cool and METAL! \m/

@Thanatos - Do you give lessons on sleeping like that? I'm so not tr00 ..

And finally.. this is what I look like with my glasses on - a look I've perfected during college from waking up too late :lol:
