Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Awesome tattoos sexualist death. How much did your abdominal one set you back? (if you don't mind me saying :loco: )

This is me with attempted kvlt pose. (failed) Pic's about 4 months old; i've got longer hair now. :)


And this is my true kvlt bedroom door!


Hope they worked. Sorry bout the size! ;)
Just a lil Goat of Mendes >


My hair kinda covers it up now anyway. I'm designing some tribal wreaths for my left shoulder/right hip in the same style at the moment. Though I won't be able to afford it with my student budget. :bah:
hyhy:) it's in English
"live and death - meanwhile"
the planning is tattoo all over my back.. i am working about the drawing already half year so.. i hope i will finish it soon so i can start the tattoo.
Originally posted by apex nemesis
Awww sooo cute! :eek:

...but that purple Panda is scary!

Yes, I know. I've shown this picture to many people online and they were all wondering if the panda bear was getting ready to attack me! :lol:
@SculptedCold: Man, you might want to water that plant behind wanna be kvlt and grim, Demoncy and Krieg all keep healthy, flowery houseplants.

My dumb ass, again, for the hell of it!



A young me on my 19th birthday:
