Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

OH koll man you look a lot like that vcopol guy from THE MUMMY yknow that desert protector guy with the machineguns that helps them a lot and becolme their friend and stuff. he's really koll
heres new pics of me too!!!!!! being drunk is realy cool cuz it helps you find your vaiun side ytkmnow what i mean?




YEAH MAN YEAHJ!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by ecwfan666
Alright, here's a new one from my friend Adrian at Unrestrained! magazine. Over on the Braveboard, I'm kinda known as the pissy one, so he made this for me:


You resemble an un-beaten up Mick Foley! :) Cool picture, Scrooge.
Yeah, it's the most shocking picture I've ever seen!! :eek:

Sooo..... does anyone wanna let me know what reality is actually like, cos it's obvious from my first sentence that I've never been there before... :rolleyes:
Well I've been really bored today, so I decided to allow you all to catch a glimpse of an updated me.

Just standing there

Saying hello to everybody

My wrestling shoes are sweet (wow..I'm really bored)
Wrestling Shoes.JPG