Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Originally posted by Hearse
Black eyes are very beutiful... and they are very rare ;)

I post it here too... I just taked this cliche pic for Opeth board, since there where general chiche pic competition going on, and of course when I make clihe pic I made it how it should be made... with bad style... :lol:


I will say it again. Hearse is hot.
Don't you hat eit when you have a picture and one eye kind of squints or something? Other than that, don't ask what typ eof assy look that is. :lol:

;) It's more of a "Damn am I hot and doesn't my haircut look wonderful" look! Okay so I bet that's not what you were thinking since you're not a vain guy, but it's still true nonetheless ;)
