Really Official UM´s Member Pictures


hehehehe :)
Originally posted by Rusty
I'm sorry, did we ever??

In the First World War, the Allies and the Germans stopped for Christmas Day and played football in no-man's-land.[/font of all knowledge] ;)

Hence the 'no longer' part! :p

[smartarsewithawisemouth]So, who won the game then?[/smartarsewithawisemouth] :Smug:
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
Thanks :) You've got nice peepers yourself ;)

Seems like the dominant color would be blue... :D
Thanks a lot :)
I would say something about compliments from gorgeous women but I might risk to get hit by the others :bah:
Originally posted by Hearse
Black eyes are very beutiful... and they are very rare ;)

I post it here too... I just taked this cliche pic for Opeth board, since there where general chiche pic competition going on, and of course when I make clihe pic I made it how it should be made... with bad style... :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm sorry Horse. :lol: