Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Originally posted by Jreg
Mr. Jreg in his natural habitat. And trying not to laugh.


Originally posted by Papa Lazarou
I didn't claim anything like that, just having a slightly sarcastic/vitriotic joke.
And I probably am a superior mind, even if I didn't claim it; but that's by-the-by.

Anyhow, the funny thing in this thread is have you seen how many pictures Wandrail has posted? And in nearly each post they're in, it contains some lame excuse for posting them. Like people can't figure out he just likes to keep posting his picture in the hope of receiving compliments, or just some megalomaniacal desire to post his picture. He should have registered under the name of Sadam Hussein :lol:

this post can be good example to my problem...
Originally posted by sexualist death
this post can be good example to my problem...

Which only begs the question. Not everyone see's things the same, that's why people ask others to explain something. This is what I'm doing with you.
I'm asking you to explain why/how you came to that conclusion from that post. You won't be offering an explanation no matter how many times you quote that post, so don't quote it again as an attempt to explain.

But just to pre-empt you on this:
1. Wandrail has posted a lot of pictures; that's not open for debate.
2. Since the thread is designed to show people what you look like, the reasons for posting pictures had worn thin. Not open for debate.
3. At least one of the reasons I suggested are at least a good stab at why he posted. Again, not open for debate.
4. The last part was a joke, if not denoted by it's comedic value, then the smiley was another clue.

*Pats Sexualist Death on the head again* Now be a good girl and go fetch us all a drink, dear. :D
"Which only begs the question. Not everyone see's things the same, that's why people ask others to explain something. This is what I'm doing with you.
I'm asking you to explain why/how you came to that conclusion from that post. You won't be offering an explanation no matter how many times you quote that post, so don't quote it again as an attempt to explain."

if this post was my problem why should i stop quote him?
i mean.. how can i get your point if i won't do it?!

and now my turn:
unnecessary joke, even if its make one person (me) do all this mess.

*Pats Papa Lazarou on the head* now be a good boy and go fetch us all a drink, my dear.:D
Hmm, lots of people on here have posted pictures of themselves many times over, but whatever, I really don't care...every so often someone joins these boards and thinks its terribly cute to go around annoyingly insulting others in an attempt to seem superior on some ridiculous cyber-space level. No one is ever impressed, but maybe it makes some nimrod in blackface (if that icon is Papa) momentarily feel a little taller. The rest of us just don't have these issues, I suppose...
Originally posted by sexualist death
this post can be good example to my problem...
hmmmmm... but he has a good point in the post. It seems that since he made a little joke of your friend you think he is an idiot. What if someone if one of your favorite bands said that? would you call him or her an idiot?
Originally posted by NapalmForLunch
hmmmmm... but he has a good point in the post. It seems that since he made a little joke of your friend you think he is an idiot. What if someone if one of your favorite bands said that? would you call him or her an idiot?

yes i will, i have values.
i take bands as good music. not as a person, until i know them or something.

and yes, he do have a point, but i think this point is unnecessary
this pictures thread created for this, the man can post her how many pictures that he want to.
so what is the problem?!!
this is your view
i have my view.
can you say i'm doing something wrong?!!!:) no
like i can't say it about your view..
this is call difference opinion.
"but i think this point is unnecessary
this pictures thread created for this, the man can post her how many pictures that he want to.
so what is the problem"
no no no...
i didn't say he wrong..
i'm talking about the "problem"...
but i didn't say something about WRONG
i don't say wrong about people view.
no no no... when i said "you shouldn't say he is doing anything wrong" i meant that you shouldn't say that his posst was unnecessary. sorry for the confusion. are you really from israel?