Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Originally posted by NapalmForLunch
i dont like america much either

Where are you from anyway, mate?

@Sexualist: Well, what could I say/think, when you say you've been in a suicide bombing?
Wow, talk about fucking ridiculous, some people have incredibly too much time on their hands...I think I might just post about 10 more pictures for the hell of it just because this whole exchange has been so damn annoying and POINTLESS. I mean, really...

I personally think Israel should be unleashed on Palestine if Sharone (I doubt I spelled that right) is prepared to eliminate the threat. Israel has shown that they can easily wipe out these terrorists in the past, political correctness be damned, fuck the UN. When you have people running suicide attacks in the marketplace, I think th etime for diplomacy is OVER. I'm glad my country stands on the side of Israel, God knows the previous president courted Arafat far too much.