Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

I'm sorry it took so long for me to get back to you all. I have been busy.

Xenophobe you don't even seem to know what a contradiction is. :lol:
You say my post is full of them but there isn't one. A contradiction is when you make a statement with two parts, in which the latter negates the former part. There are none in my post. You were closer (but still very wrong) with the "drugs" comment.
It can hurt being right all the time, but I soldier on.

Rusty, Sh0kR0k and Wandrail (and almost everyone else), you seem to have completely misunderstood what I am saying. It's ok. I don't think any less of you for it. Go through the next part slowly and you might finally get it, ok?
I am not saying this thread isn't the right place to put pictures. I'm not saying this thread is the wrong place to post multiple pictures.
My point was, and still is, that Wandrail posted a lot of pictures, and nearly each time he posted them, there was some stupid reason given for posting them. A lot of people dug out pictures, and I reckon he purposefully took pictures, just to post in this thread, trying not to disclose this fact.
He also posted words like "I get told I look like Johnny Depp, but I don't" several thousand times, in a badly disguised hope of being told he DOES look like him (which he does, if you are blind).

Sh0kr0k, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't find it annoying if you post pictures. I never have and never will.
Nice try to get people to say "awww it's not a bad picture, sh0kr0k", though. :)
If you read my initial post, it says nothing about it being annoying.
Another thing, you might want to check the difference between an insulting remark, and someone taking insult at a remark. It's subtle, so take your time when you try to find the difference, ok? Let me know how you get on :)

Also, just for you silly people, because I like nothing better than enlightening people, the picture of Papa Lazarou is not a picture of me. That means it is someone else. It is a picture of "the real Papa Lazarou."

Thanks for showing an interest, folks :D
Antonio's being introduced to metal slowly...

But I guess this is what he thinks of AC/DC...
Originally posted by Papa Lazarou
Xenophobe you don't even seem to know what a contradiction is. :lol:
You say my post is full of them but there isn't one. A contradiction is when you make a statement with two parts, in which the latter negates the former part. There are none in my post.

No, your contradiction is coming here and saying...

"I don't know if there are enough annoying people on the internet, I do know there are a lot of silly, self-righteous, ignorant and for the most part down-right stupid ones posting on metal forums (me NOT included). I'm neither arguing nor debating here. I'm simply bestowing facts. "

Okay, I'll go through your list backwards...

1) NO... that is NOT a fact. It's your opinion, which really doesn't matter anyways.

2) There are a lot of silly, self-righteous, ignorant and for the most part down-right stupid ones posting on metal forums (me NOT included).... Um.. You described yourself in that statement... belittling others... picking on girls? :lol: You've been acting quite concieted and self-righteous and you're all too quick to insult others... Hmmm...

I was going to go futher, but do you see where this is coming from?

Maybe you're not contradicting yourself... would you call yourself a hypocrite? if that's the case, you're just blinded by your own lack of tact and manners...

All you did was come in here to make yourself feel better... hope your therapy is working. :p
What's this popcorn obsession?? You just can't go wrong with a pick-'n'-mix. ;)

Originally posted by nafnikufesin
Antonio's being introduced to metal slowly...

But I guess this is what he thinks of AC/DC...
:headbang: Antonio already r00ls. :p :headbang: Quick, get him a tattoo!! :D
We grow wine grapes yeah. I can't spell the type that they are... but it is shortened to Cab Sav.......... Canenet Savinoun or something similar... red stuff...

I don't ever drink wine so it's useless innit...