Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

@Naffy: Antonio is adorable :lol: aww...

@Soilworker: Mmm, I like that house :eek: Somehow that house pic and the field reminds me of 'The Children of the Corn'...
Originally posted by Soilworker
Some nice shots from around my place. I wish I had some damn snow... it sure looks like fun...

Snow is damn cold dude, and when its alot of it you get it in your shoes/boots and you go around freezing all day, though it looks beautiful its pretty much just a pain in the ass.


what u think??
So I was off for one week and when I come back they've all posted new pics! cool :)

:eek: ~Zeanra~ :eek: Hiljainen :eek: tara :eek:
:worship: I want more! :worship:

I'll get new pics soon, but I wont put any excuse, trust that ;)