Reamp (Cuniberti) bought by Radial, any good?


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
I very well might be (very) late to the party, but Cuniberti Reamp has been bought by Radial

So, is the new Radial version any good? I am in the market for a re-amper, (not the X-amp, had that and the signal level loss was a deal breaker) so was considering this one

Any personal experience good or bad would be interesting to read, thanks.

Or, what do you recommend instead? Thanks.
James, thanks for the response. What swayed you towards the X-amp over it? Do you have an issue with the output level loss with the X-amp? I remember at the time I had the X-amp, they were looking at a mod to bring the level up towards parity. How does it work for you?

Truth be told I've never had any level loss just running it cranked. I picked it over the JCR just for the dual output function - it's come in handy on a few occasions so far. I'd like to get my hands on one of the JCRs so I can check them back to back!
I still think the JCR I'd the best bet; in my re-amp shootout way back when I found I actually preferred the passive Reamp and Redeye over the X-amp, which I found imparted an ever so slight harshness(though part of that may have been from raising the amp gain to compensate for what I too found to be lower relative output) - Radial makes great shit, and I have no doubt the JCR is up to their (and John Cuniberti's) standards, and why deal with a PSU if you don't have to? (unless you wanna use the dual output feature; can't say it seems of much use to me, but I'd be interested to hear, Empathy/James, how you've been making use of it)

Of course, if you also need a good active DI, then the Redeye 3D is your all-in-one solution :rock:
I've owned both at once and definitely preferred the JCR. I always got the signal loss with the X Amp, or tons of noise, which made it practically worthless to me. The JCR had none of these issues. That being said, I use a Line2Amp now and am satisfied.
Thanks guys, looks like I will go with the JCR, or maybe consider the Redeye. Have you used the 3D version Marcus, or just the original? Which performs better as a reamp box? LL or JCR? Thanks
Yeah, I bought the 3D a couple of months ago (it's great), and I found the Reamp and the passive Redeye to sound indistinguishable from one another as re-ampers, so I can only assume the same applies to the 3D. Really, it's all about cost; IMO the best re-amping chain is a Countryman Type 85 and a JCR, not for any tonal advantage over the Redeye 3D, but because you could use the Countryman live because of its durability compared to the Redeye 3D - sound-wise they should be about indistinguishable (I haven't been able to compare the Redeye 3D DI to the Countryman, but I have faith in LL to make it sound as good as it can, and my re-amps have been sounding dynamic and chunky!)
James, if you have never had any level problems, maybe you have one of the later "corrected" units (I see the latest units are yellow coloured). There was a thread here (in 2008, I think) outlining the corrected values of some Caps and Resistors that resulted in closer to unity Gain. If you don't notice a problem, don't shell out the cash on a different unit. Yours may be fine. Do a loopback test to make sure. Reamp your signal back into your preamp with unity gain and see what level you end up with compared to your Source level. ;)
I have this one (and lent it to Marcus for the shootout):


I LOVE how simple and durable it is. Fuck active designs. High quality parts inside a nice metal shell that protects it all, yes please thank you.

I've used this one as well, although the model had no nuetrik combo jack, just xlr so it's a bit less versatile in use.:


Honestly I don't know the difference other than it's purple.