Big Re-amper shootout!

I see. Countryman Type 85 + good re-amp box cost near 400EUR not much cheaper as 480EUR. This kit includes both necessary box + adapter. Price is quite good but I am not sure with quality. In your test was very little difference between boxes.

Yeah, but the thing is I really didn't like the J48 in my DI shootout, I found it noisy and a bit harsher sounding than the Countryman and even the Redeye. My Redeye rules, and if you use active pickups, it'll be fine as a DI and perfect as a re-amper, so that's my vote! If you use passive pickups, though, I'd prefer to get an active DI like the BSS AR-133 or the Countryman Type 85, but I really wouldn't recommend the J48!
I just bought a Redeye but haven't received it yet, so I thought I'd ask. Which do you think would be better as the DI; the Redeye or the instrument in on my Profire 2626? I think the Profire's input is 1Mohm, what's it on the Redeye? I only use passive pickups.
Well since the Redeye is passive, it can't have nearly as high of an input impedance a 1 MOhm - that said, I'm pretty sure there's more to it than just impedance, so try both and see which is better! (and post the DI's and clips too, as I'm quite curious myself!)
Thanks Marcus for this old thread.

I was about to order a Radial Pro-RMP, but after reading this I am dubious. Should I go for it?

Pro-RMP is 89 €
X-Amp is 169 €
Reamp is 198 €
Redeye - where the fuck can I buy one of these?

I would only use it from time to time for my own albums. And I always play with active pickups, so passive reamp boxes would be enough...

I think Reamp V2 is a bit expensive, I like the Redeye because it is also a DI Box, but I can't find a dealer in europe and no results on ebay were found.
Could someone re-up the files please? I think only mp3 will be fine, I'd like to have a listen and the links are down.

Thanks if anyone could do this. I will also request the files for the DI shootup which are down as well, so maybe both sets are flying around somewhere?

Hi dudes,
I've got a palmer DACCAPO. A friend want to buy it and another friend could sell me his radial X-amp (but I can't try it before to compare) .. Do you think it worst the money to upgrade to X-amp from DACCAPO? Or should I save more money to buy a redeye?
Maybe Radial JCR will be better idea than X-Amp?
X-Amp have significant level reduction as is Radial ProRMP, but ProRMP can be easily modified to have 1 to 1 level transfer, X-Amp cannot be modified easily because it`s active.
Nope, it wasn't out when I did this test, so I can't comment on it. Also, just to add, Little Labs recently released the Redeye 3D phantom, which is the same as the Redeye but with an active phantom-powered DI, thus giving it a higher input impedance making it suitable for passive pickups. I recently purchased it (as I'm now using Duncans), and it rules, highly recommended!
alright, you convinced me.. ^^ I will keep my DACCAPO and save money to buy the Redeye 3D the day I will want to get a really good DI.( I use the Hiz input of my sound card or a Boss active DI which is enough good for my need at this moment )
I have an X-Amp and the output is too weak to gain stage the amp properly and the thing gets noisy when dimed, so I have to add level with the Tube Screamer Volume at 2-3:00. Would the passive JCR be a better fit?