Big Re-amper shootout!

It was very relieving to have the Red Eye come out on top. Thanks again to Marcus for taking the time to do this. Nothing better than these blind tests... though I can't help but feel dialing up the gain on the Radials compromised their performance somewhat. I would have sooner artificially boosted the gain leaving the DAW. As GH mentioned, on the next swing around it'd be ace to compare the thru outputs running straight to the amp to the reamped signal. Though at that point the deficiencies of the mic preamp and ADDA converters come into play as well.

Anyhow, good to know I don't have to sell the Red Eye.... just have to buy a Countryman for passive recording!
Anyhow, good to know I don't have to sell the Red Eye.... just have to buy a Countryman for passive recording!

Bingo! :) Looking back, even if I knew the results of this and the DI shootout, I'd still get the Redeye over the Reamp, cuz I found the Redeye to sound as good as the Countryman for actives, which are all I use!
Yay, my main reamp box (Redeye) won my vote :kickass: On a sidenote, how about a Bass version of a blind reamp test? I like my ProRMP for bass reamping, so maybe it will be better for that application, with the emphasis on lower frequencies.
The RedEye is a DI Box and Reamp Box in an unique box, right? So I don't need, for example, a Radial DI and a Radial X-Amp.....with this box I have all I need..
Yay, my main reamp box (Redeye) won my vote :kickass: On a sidenote, how about a Bass version of a blind reamp test? I like my ProRMP for bass reamping, so maybe it will be better for that application, with the emphasis on lower frequencies.

Haha, well that one's on someone else's shoulders I'm afraid - gotta get these two back to their owners and sell the X-amp right quick!

The RedEye is a DI Box and Reamp Box in an unique box, right? So I don't need, for example, a Radial DI and a Radial X-Amp.....with this box I have all I need..

Yeah, but it's a passive DI, so the input impedance isn't as high as many active DI boxes, which might make it less suitable for passive pickups. However, the best way to tell is to listen to my DI shootout (including the Redeye) and decide for yourself!
Seems like I'll be saving until I can afford the Redeye then :( But I'm not too unhappy about it, as it did sound good in the DI shootout too, I only noticed a very minor difference between it and the Countryman with the Dimebucker, and nothing really with EMG's.
Hey dudes, mintcheerios was kind enough to let me know about a shootout contest that's going on over at the Home Recording Forum, so I entered my re-amp box shootout into the running, and I would really appreciate it if everyone could sign up over there (it's retardedly easy, just register, they send you the confirmation email, blah blah blah) and rate my thread 5 stars, which is how to vote (cuz the prize is Superior Drummer 2.0, with SPL Transient Designer plugs for the runners-up!) Here's the thread.

Bump for voting request :) (thanks Mondocane!)
I don't understand this test. You compare the same reamped signal thru different reamping boxes ? Thru what reamping box it was reamped for the first time ?
I don't understand this test. You compare the same reamped signal thru different reamping boxes ? Thru what reamping box it was reamped for the first time ?

actually not,

the source signal is the original dry DI Track from the guitar.

to get this signal from your soundcard, mixer, whatever card back to your guitar amp you need a reamp box for conversion,
and this shootout makes the differences hearable

the original source is identical
the amp and ampsettings are identical
the guitarcab is identical
the mic and mic position is identical
and the mic input/ settings etc are identical tii

the only changing component in the processflow is the reamp box

Thanks for explanation. What is more important for sound? hi quality DI box or Reamp box or both ? I want to buy DI box for recording and reamping and i like this one It's good choice and worth for 480EUR ?
Honestly, that looks like it has more than you would need - the selectable speaker input and adjustable impedance is cool and all, but I think you'd be fine with a good direct box (BSS AR-133 or Countryman Type 85, whichever you can find cheaper) and any of the re-amp boxes in this test! (though I wouldn't want an X-amp cuz dealing with the power supply would get annoying)