Reamping In Gearbox


New Metal Member
Oct 27, 2007
My band is headed into the studio to record a new demo next month, but our lead guitar player quit the band and moved back to his hometown. Unfortunately we're now down a lead guitar player for the recording process. He agreed to record the lead tracks from his hometown and send them to our engineer if it were possible for us to re-amp using his toneport ux2 and Gearbox. We're not sure how, or if it's even possible to re-amp using Gearbox. We're all noobs to this and just need a step by step process of how to do it. SOMEONE HELP! :)
If it's the free Gearbox and not the plugin, I think you're shit out of luck. If it's the plugin, have him track the dry DI guitar signal (while monitoring with an ampsim, of course), apply the Gearbox plugin as an insert, and voila.
If it's the free Gearbox and not the plugin, I think you're shit out of luck. If it's the plugin, have him track the dry DI guitar signal (while monitoring with an ampsim, of course), apply the Gearbox plugin as an insert, and voila.

Well it appears as if he has the Gearbox gold bundle. I'm not sure if that's the free program or a plugin. When he has cubase opened and looks through the different plugins he can use, gearbox isn't included. I mean we can still track with the program, but its not the clean signal we're looking for. Is there a difference between the gold bundle that comes with the ux2 and the gearbox plugin then? Sorry for my ignorance in this shit! haha
Well I was under the impression that the Gold bundle included the plugin; maybe he hasn't installed it, or maybe the vst .dll file isn't being recognized by Cubase (installed in the wrong directory, perhaps), but when you open the "inserts" drop-down menu on a mono audio track in Cubase, Gearbox should be there. Either way, you should be able to play, hear the guitar processed through Gearbox (even the non-plugin one), but have it record only the clean DI - I know on the podxt, you go into "control panel" --> "Line 6 Audio/MIDI devices" --> then, under the "inputs & recording" tab, click "send clean guitar." There are also options to reamp through the podxt, though I don't think the Toneport and Gearbox lets you do this, maybe someone else can chime in. But that should solve your tracking DI parts problem at least.
Hmm maybe we're simply overlooking the plugin. I could always try and reinstall gearbox and see what happens. Or like he said, maybe it's in the wrong directory or something of that nature. i clicked on the inserts tab and didn't see gearbox so that must be the case, or it didn't install properly. we shall see!