reamping problem, redeye 3D faulty?

Apr 14, 2010
hey all,

I need your help please.
I had a session and I recorded guitar DI's with my redeye 3D.

the DI track peaks at ~-12dbfs (little low I know). they sound fine, however, upon trying to reamp I noticed a lot of noise/hiss, not ground hum. with the guitar plugged into the input of the amp instead the redeye, there's no such problem so I don't suspect it's the amp. the DI's sound fine. however, the even bigger problem than the noise is that the DI's sound somewhat undergained. I can't get enough distortion from the amp when I send the DI's through it. with the guitar plugged in, instead, everything sounds fine. also normalising the DI's to 0db didn't help much. even engaging the overdrive button which grants an extra 10db boost didn't really fix it. of course I had the reamp level knob on full. it was close to plugging the guitar in, but not exactly.

now, I was wondering if you could quickly give a sample of the DI a quick reamp just to let me know if you too have a problem with noise or not enough gain. test .wav

I'd really appreciate it.
I too have a 3D Phantom, is this the first time it has happened to you? Since I've had mine it does the same thing, it sounds like shit when I re-amp in comparrison to playing guitar straight in with same settings. I've re-amped your clip through mine and get the same result as all my other DI's not so much noise but bugger all gain. It instantly sounds boxy and tinny - looses a lot of bass. I just thought you had to crank your amps and alter the settings to get a good tone anytime which is what i've been doing. Or I stick the volume of the track to +12db and engage the overdrive on the 3D or just crank the gain on the amp.

I have recorded my own version of your DI so if you try mine and see if you get the same thing your end. I think you're tuned to drop D? as it sounds like you're riding the bottom string open in this riff, my guitar is tuned to C standard so the playing is sloppy and I got the harmonics wrong haha! DI Test.mp3
Got the same problem, look for my thread "Reamping problems... again" - but I'm running a different setup. Would be glad if anybody could point us a way out of this.
I too have a 3D Phantom, is this the first time it has happened to you? Since I've had mine it does the same thing, it sounds like shit when I re-amp in comparrison to playing guitar straight in with same settings. I've re-amped your clip through mine and get the same result as all my other DI's not so much noise but bugger all gain. It instantly sounds boxy and tinny - looses a lot of bass. I just thought you had to crank your amps and alter the settings to get a good tone anytime which is what i've been doing. Or I stick the volume of the track to +12db and engage the overdrive on the 3D or just crank the gain on the amp.

I have recorded my own version of your DI so if you try mine and see if you get the same thing your end. I think you're tuned to drop D? as it sounds like you're riding the bottom string open in this riff, my guitar is tuned to C standard so the playing is sloppy and I got the harmonics wrong haha! DI Test.mp3

I've only used it on two sessions so far and both times I've had this problem.
thanks for confirming the problem. tuning is D and the bottom string should sound like fat palm mutes. see, that's the problem and why I call it under-gained. no clue why that is. will try your file tomorrow.


yeah I read your thread. it's weird and I'd like to find an answer for our problem, too.
I have the same problem with my Saffire Pro 40 and Radial X-Amp. Massive amounts of noise, even with ground loop reversed (which cuts out A LOT already), and extremely undergained (usually when I plug my guitar into say my 5150, I have gain at 4 and it's plenty of gain for any genre, when I reamp, I have to bump it up to nearly twice that). Dunno what the deal is, I have it setup to an output that doesn't require the "Monitor" knob to be cranked to get gain, too. It worked just fine with my Presonus Firepod before this, but since I got the Focusrite, I've had nothing but problems reamping stuff, it's gotten to the point where I don't even bother anymore, because it's such a hassle.

Thinking of selling the Focusrite and getting something better. The Pro 40 has great, clean preamps, but it's such a pain to use sometimes :mad:
I don't own a reamp box but these symptoms sound similar to when I tried to re-amp directly from the line-out of my interface. I guess the reamp box just isn't doing its job properly!
the problem can't be the quality of the interface I think. I've got the RME babyface and everything else works perfectly with this interface.
I can't see a pattern here. some of you don't even use the redeye and have reported this problem so it might not be my redeye after all. but what could it be? all our interfaces can't be faulty. user error? maybe but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I think the DI's might be faulty to begin with, even before reamping. just take my DI sample and try to put it trough lecto or something. doesn't sound that good either, does it?
My reamp box is working, i tried the live-reamping thingy (again, described in detail in my thread). And don't know, I do not really have big problems with ampsims and the same problems remain if I use some DI's from this board.
the problem can't be the quality of the interface I think.

I have tried reamping with Mbox 2 and Presonus Firestudio with Radial X-amp, and all I can tell, I had the same problems as you described. I managed to get a decent sound by increasing gain of the interfaces output, but it still sounded "weak" compared to playing guitar straight in. After that I bought RME Fireface 800 and reamping has been a piece of cake. Instant good healthy sound through the X-amp with the Firefaces "hi-gain" output setting. I also have Profire 2626, but haven't had time to compare it to Fireface at reamping.

So, just blame your interface. That's probably the only part of your signal chain that isn't "obviously" designed for that use.
Hmmm I'm using an Mbox Pro 3rd gen that i've had since Jan this year and i've also got a 2626 which I bought recently and have used once, I will have to compare. I tried using the shortest leads I could and swapping all leads and that did nothing. Tbh it's not so bad shoving up the output and also cranking the amp. It would be nice to resolve this however...
I have the same problem with my Saffire Pro 40 and Radial X-Amp. Massive amounts of noise, even with ground loop reversed (which cuts out A LOT already), and extremely undergained (usually when I plug my guitar into say my 5150, I have gain at 4 and it's plenty of gain for any genre, when I reamp, I have to bump it up to nearly twice that). Dunno what the deal is, I have it setup to an output that doesn't require the "Monitor" knob to be cranked to get gain, too. It worked just fine with my Presonus Firepod before this, but since I got the Focusrite, I've had nothing but problems reamping stuff, it's gotten to the point where I don't even bother anymore, because it's such a hassle.

Thinking of selling the Focusrite and getting something better. The Pro 40 has great, clean preamps, but it's such a pain to use sometimes :mad:

You have output 7 and 8 set to DAW7? If not you are only getting "half" the signal. You need to realize the connections on the back are TRS so you will get some bleed from channel 8 when using a mono plug ;)

As for being a pain in the ass to use, FAR from it.

Try running directly out from Output 7 to you Tube Screamer then into the 5150 and see if you still have the same problem. If you do then either you have Mix Control set up improperly or your DAW routing is incorrect. Make sure your DAW is sending the signal PRE fader and not POST, also be sure that you have Output 7 on the Saffire in a GREY state along with Channel 8.

If your Saffire works fine without the X-amp then the X-amp is your problem
Radials reampers (maybe excluding new JCR) seems to have around 12 db of reduction depending on output level settings... so they need high output from interface, like on FF "hi-gain". Maybe redeye 3D also have some significant amount of reduction, or interface output is just weak... (+15 dbu of BabyFace is not +19 dbu or +20 dbu).
From the Little Labs website:
"Within five minutes of connecting it, I had the Redeye 3D Phantom totally dialed in. While playing guitar with Pro Tools in record-ready input, it was very easy to compare the sound of the live signal against the Pro Tools signal. Right away I learned that 22 dB of gain on the mic preamp was the magic number to make the guitar amp react as if I was playing it with nothing else in the chain. The only difference I could hear was the from the AD/DA conversion, not the Redeye 3D, and the difference was so subtle that it was insignificant. You have successfully taken all the guesswork out of high-fidelity reamping. Hats off!"
Michael James - Producer/Mixer (New Radicals, Hole, L7, Edwin McCain, Robben Ford, Far, A.J. Croce and many more....)"
thanks but I don't get it.
how can I add gain to the output signal with a preamp on my babyface?
I can only raise the output level slider till +6db.
thanks but I don't get it.
how can I add gain to the output signal with a preamp on my babyface?
I can only raise the output level slider till +6db.

Have you tried using the re-amp level knob on the front? Trying to contact Little Labs might solve your problem.
You have output 7 and 8 set to DAW7? If not you are only getting "half" the signal...

...also be sure that you have Output 7 on the Saffire in a GREY state along with Channel 8.

I love you! I got my Saffire 56 recently, and the mixer/routing is sooo different from my M-Audio Firewire 410. I have a lot to learn about it. The more I learn, the more powerful it seems to get.

I now have super high output from my interface, and reamping with my Redeye 3D sounds amazing :D
