Reasons why Abortion should be legal (A list by Christian-raised Pro-Lifer)


Apr 5, 2003
Hey. Yes, I am pro-life and I was raised in a Christian family as a Christian. I'm not so much a Christian now, thinking I have surpassed Christianity, eh? I'd say I have somewhat of a mixture of Christianity, Islam, and common sense.. hehe. :heh: So of course I am pro-life, but I was thinking it would be interesting to weigh the reasons it should be legal against the reasons it shouldn't be and why such beliefs are stupid. Feel free to add on to these lists.

First, why Abortion should be legal:

  • Stop massive overpopulation.
  • Sluts wouldn't have to hit back-alley abortionists and risk death.
  • Abort the next Hitler. Who wouldn't?
  • Get rid of "unplanned" "accidents"
  • Killing an embryo is like killing a sperm. It may be alive but it's insignificant unless grown into a human.
  • The main objection to abortion is due to religion. Religion can't be proven (existence of Gods), nor is it scientific fact. (So it shouldn't be taught in schools either. BURN!)
  • Stem-cell research, development, and medical treatment.

Why Abortion should be illegal:

  • Teach those damn sluts a lesson! You're having that baby, bitch.
  • If it's not Hitler, it could be the next Jesus.. Who would abort Jesus!?
  • Adoption.
  • Women have a right to choose, but are not above the law against murder.

A person's personal morals shouldn't even go into the debate whether it should be illegal or not. Everyone has their own set of morals, world views, or even religion and forcing those on other people is wrong and unconstitutional, is it not? Anyway I was surprised to see how many reasons I could come up with for it to be legal instead of illegal... Sure, you could be aborting Jesus, but then again you could be aborting Hitler. Eh. Feel free to add to those lists or post your own personal thoughts on the subject.

Also some of those may be contradictory. Like the statement about murder and sperm/embryos being nothing until grown.
I don't think abortion should be illegal at all...

And im never going to make that choice for someone else, its not my business.
Seeing kids in India sleeping right next to the motorway is disturbing,to be blunt these kids should never be born into this world.Nothing but begging,poverty,starvation and probably a miserable death
stuglue said:
Seeing kids in India sleeping right next to the motorway is disturbing,to be blunt these kids should never be born into this world.Nothing but begging,poverty,starvation and probably a miserable death

Good point, but at that rate, why not promote mandatory sterilization?
IAN442 said:
I don't think abortion should be illegal at all...

And im never going to make that choice for someone else, its not my business.


I have opinons of course but since I don´t know the story behind ever persons life... yada yada...
its also another reason why i totally agree with religion period, what i choose is my business and i don't need some son of a bitch in an ivory pulpit telling me what is good for me or my family.
[*]Sluts wouldn't have to hit back-alley abortionists and risk death.

I agree! This is also why the death penalty should be kept legal. We could avoid the back-alley executions that risk death!