recabinet 3

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Is it just me or does recabinet 3 (I only have the update with dynamic) have a HUGE rolloff at 5-6khz? I love how it sounds but its just missing so much high end and when I try and boost it it almost does nothing.

Thoughts? Maybe Kazrog can get in on this
I noticed no sonic differences other than the dynamic feature making an obvious "livening" of the sound compared to with it off when I updated.

I also find the Recabinet cabs to be a bit "dark" sounding.

I totally dig the (subtle) "dynamic function" as well as the EQ section, but it would be nice if an Impulse loader was added!
I´ve been using some of the Kalthallen IR´s lately, and it would be great to be able to add some "speaker dynamics" to those.
I'm pretty sure Shane has said he won't be adding impulse loading as a feature to the plug-in, there are already a bunch of those on the market. I don't see a need for it anyway, personally.
I'm pretty sure Shane has said he won't be adding impulse loading as a feature to the plug-in, there are already a bunch of those on the market. I don't see a need for it anyway, personally.

He didn't say he will and didn't say he won't.
Recabinet 1: Darker
Recabinet 2: Bright
Recabinet 3: Dark

IMO Recab 3 is the most balanced version in all 3. But sometimes I like some Recab 2 impulses more because of the brightness.
He didn't say he will and didn't say he won't.


Kazrog said:
As for IR loading - there's been a lot of requests for it, and there's no reason why the speaker dynamics algorithm can't be profiled to match external IRs actually. This and a lot of other "low hanging fruit" types of feature requests are all on the consideration list still for future releases, but they took much lower priority than the Speaker Dynamics feature. Recabinet 4 is still in the works, but I wanted to make sure that everyone gets a lot of mileage and value for their money out of version 3 first. How many of these kinds of features make their way into v3 or v4 instead is up in the air, but obviously the UI of the plugin has to change significantly before a bunch of "utility" type features can be added.

So it's something very low on his list, if he ever does it.

Anyway, like I said, I don't understand the need for it, there are a lot of loaders out there as it is, free and paid. Just seems like a waste of time *shrug*
So, a few things to address here:
  • Real guitar speakers roll off sound precipitously after 4-5 kHz. If you're finding the sound to be too dark, you can try a different mic, or move the mic further away. The i5, 545, and U87 are great mics for adding brightness. Conversely, the ever-popular 121 is also a very dark mic.
  • If you can't hear much of a difference with and without speaker dynamics, that's normal. It is a subtle enhancement, but it will glue guitars into the mix better and make for a better "feel" when playing guitar through it in realtime as well.
  • There have been tons of requests for 3rd party IR support, and it will happen. As ballstix put it, "a 64-bit IR loader with a dynamics knob" would be very useful.
I still feel that Recabinet's IR library is the best out there for getting mix-ready tones, but there's no sense in forcing anyone to use it exclusively. We have a couple of other products in the pipeline right now, but rest assured, Recabinet will get another update or two before the end of the year.