Ok, here are the files and a screenshot of the settings. I used LE456 -> Ignite Amps TPA -> Recabinet 3.5 using stock IRs that come with it. LE456 settings were mostly left at 12 o'clock, TPA settings all default (except output level and resonance) and the IRs selected in Recab were to get a tone that had some low end beef and high end fizz to start with, so a full overall earthy tone that should reveal dynamics throughout the EQ spectrum - as opposed to a super high passed fizzy metal tone to start with.
For each of the files, the TPA resonance knob was either {0 %, 50 %, 100 %} and Recab Dynamics knob {0 %, 50 %, 100 %}. Hopefully file names are explanatory of what the settings were. No level matching was done.
FX Chain settings:
I also did a null test (play both files together, invert phase on one of them) using 01-RES-000-DYN-000 as the base and comparing against 03-RES-100-DYN-000.wav and 07-RES-000-DYN-100.wav
I'd recommend changing those url's to
http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com[etcetc] so people don't have to download them
Especially working with my POD HD Pro amp models, I find that the dynamics sound best at 50-75%, because past that, at least for my amp models (and as Kazrog said, it depends heavily on what's being fed into it!), it gets too scratchy, and the thump in the cab low end turns into mush.
You also have to bear in mind that, because Recabinet is simulating all the frequencies of the cab since it's a solid state power amp, and not over-representing any spectrum due to power tube coloration, it may perhaps require a bit more EQ work than normal. As RickyCigs, an avid POD user on SS.org said a couple of weeks ago, though, I'll take that over an IR that comes pre-colored any day of the week, because it lets you sculpt the tone to your liking.
And the TPA resonance knob isn't just a one-off; I find that my POD's editing parameters, particularly the master volume (for obvious reasons, lolz), achieve the same sort of dynamics effect, as would an Axe FX or Kemper profile, and all of these things have forward-looking and backward-looking tendencies that can change the sound of something you edited just a couple of minutes ago. That's why I tend to start creating a tone with some reference in mind, since I know if I get something awesome between the POD and Recabinet, it can change pretty quickly based on my choices in one or the other. Not sure that's unique, but that's just my take-away.
So tl;dr, I'm not totally surprised this particular combination of the LE456/TPA/Recab might not be to everyone's liking, as it's only the beginning of the tone-making process.
Also, you used the low gain setting on the LePou

And the volume knob on the TPA matters as much as the resonance, since it's essentially your Master. And the Green and Igor are a Marshall and Krank, IIRC- not bad cabs, but a little funky, particularly since you used the On Axis options. The Mesa Oversize sim in Recabinet is an easier solution, at least for me. I only ever have to do 1-2 cuts max, not counting HPF/LPF, to get it where I want it. Not criticizing the test, since it's both interesting and valuable, but I'd be interested to hear it with the Mesa or ENGL by comparison.