Recabinet 3.1.1 - now with Speaker Dynamics


Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
This is the culmination of a lot of very hard work, and it's finally paid off. Recabinet 3.1.1 is out now, and it adds Speaker Dynamics. Better yet, it's a free update for all registered Recabinet 3 users.

Watch the video in HD:

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Thanks mate. I got your email. I'll be putting it through it's paces later. Just wondering why not just turn dynamic on at 100% for everything? I mean if it emulates real speaker dynamics why would you want it to sound less real by turning it off? I know that sound stupid, but I think you get what I'm asking (I hope).
Thanks mate. I got your email. I'll be putting it through it's paces later. Just wondering why not just turn dynamic on at 100% for everything? I mean if it emulates real speaker dynamics why would you want it to sound less real by turning it off? I know that sound stupid, but I think you get what I'm asking (I hope).

Different speakers respond with differing amounts of dynamic response. For high gain, I'd pretty much set it at 100% full time, but for lower gain stuff and cleans, you may want it a bit lower - to add warmth and clarity but not as much grit.

It's up to individual taste how early you want breakup to kick in. What's cool about assigning a control to it is that you can push any speaker into an earlier breakup, which of course isn't possible in real life.
wow, sounds impressive. downloading the demo currently. Im going to give it a shot on some of my old projects and see how it goes. If i used the fx loop out or the direct out from my Dual wouldnt it bypass the power amp tubes, only giving me part of my amps tone?
If you ever add an external ir loading feature...

What would be the point of adding external IRs? You wouldn't be able to change mic positions or add the new dynamics feature to them. Maybe I'm wrong but I think this is how recabinet plugin works.
What would be the point of adding external IRs? You wouldn't be able to change mic positions or add the new dynamics feature to them. Maybe I'm wrong but I think this is how recabinet plugin works.

You're right about the mic position but I remember Shane talking about the dynamics as a separate process as opposed to a dynamic IR technology.
What would be the point of adding external IRs? You wouldn't be able to change mic positions or add the new dynamics feature to them. Maybe I'm wrong but I think this is how recabinet plugin works.
It's useful feature... the Two Notes WoS plugin does something similar to Recabinet, and includes the ability to load other IRs. You can blend combinations of Two Notes emulations with IRs of your choice, or whatever else you want.
It's useful feature... the Two Notes WoS plugin does something similar to Recabinet, and includes the ability to load other IRs. You can blend combinations of Two Notes emulations with IRs of your choice, or whatever else you want.

That would be nice indeed but how could recabinet apply their new dynamics technology to impulses already on the market(or free)? From what I understand they matched this technology to their own impulses .

If I want to blend IRs I'll just use Lecab....
wow, sounds impressive. downloading the demo currently. Im going to give it a shot on some of my old projects and see how it goes. If i used the fx loop out or the direct out from my Dual wouldnt it bypass the power amp tubes, only giving me part of my amps tone?

That is true, but it doesn't mean it can't sound good. Just make sure you have a speaker or load box connected so you don't fry your tubes (and your amp, and yourself possibly.)

If you have a Countryman Type 85 DI box, there is a speaker mode on it where you can use it to capture the entire sound of your head (including the power section.) You'll need two speaker cables (with the Countryman in between the head and your speaker or load box) and a guitar cable to use for the line out to your audio interface.

Check the Countryman manual if you have any questions, and remember that it's just a DI, NOT a load box and you will need a load in the signal chain after it, and again two speaker cables of course.
Thanks for all the kind words! It means a lot, this was a ton of hard work and I'm personally really happy with how it came out, and I can't wait to use it on my own productions.

As for IR loading - there's been a lot of requests for it, and there's no reason why the speaker dynamics algorithm can't be profiled to match external IRs actually. This and a lot of other "low hanging fruit" types of feature requests are all on the consideration list still for future releases, but they took much lower priority than the Speaker Dynamics feature. Recabinet 4 is still in the works, but I wanted to make sure that everyone gets a lot of mileage and value for their money out of version 3 first. How many of these kinds of features make their way into v3 or v4 instead is up in the air, but obviously the UI of the plugin has to change significantly before a bunch of "utility" type features can be added.

On another note - I've seen the Two Notes plugin's "Overload" knob, and I've noticed a similar feature in the Axe FX. Seemingly, these are meant to simulate speakers that are either damaged or on the edge of damage. This is fun and interesting, but the goal of Recabinet's Speaker Dynamics feature is to simulate speakers behaving under "normal" conditions, doing what their manufacturers intended.
i'm a bit confused Recabinet designed for using it with preamps only or with pre+poweramps? i always thought the preamp out should be used but post #17 let me think different :confused:
Kazrog..would you please clarify this?