Recabinet 3.5 Released (third party IR import, stereo panning)


Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
Kazrog LLC is proud to announce the release of Recabinet 3.5, which adds third party IR import and stereo panning, as well as numerous fixes. This is a free update for all registered Recabinet 3 users, which you can get on the download page.

Thanks to all the loyal Recabinet supporters here!
The ability to adjust the pan settings with the scroll wheel is a nice little touch :)

Thanks for the update!

That sounds killer! What is the signal chain on the guitars?

Cheers dude, I think it's a little bloated in the mids but nothing I can't notch out with a tiny bit of eq.

Chain is:
Ibanez SZ2066 (EMG85)>TS7>Bugera 6260>BSS AR133 (used the speaker out rather than the FX return)

Impulse I used is Mesa oversized>SM57
It's the Mac Installer's default unknown error please talk to the manufacturer, so here I am :D

I'm getting an invalid certificate error now on another Mac running 10.8.2 now (even though I have a valid cert, signed by Apple.) Looks like I need to rebuild the installer; sadly Apple's PackageMaker utility is filled with long standing bugs, many of which don't predictably manifest themselves even on identical machines running identical system installs. Very odd, as the rest of their developer tools are fantastic.

In the mean time, here's the Mac plugin itself, zipped. Just unzip it, rename it to whatever extension you need, and copy it to the appropriate plugin folder. It's a .component (AU) by default, but it's polymorphic, just change the extension to .vst for VST format, or .dpm for RTAS format.
No problem! I provide installers as a convenience, but it's not very convenient if they don't work. :lol:

Mac installer should be working properly now in Mac OS X 10.6 or higher.
Also cover of terrible Metallica song cover in the link.

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