Recabinet 3.5 Released (third party IR import, stereo panning)

I can't seem to pin down any sort of pattern. Last time I think I had 3 instances going, one of which went rogue (silent) and then shortly afterward the other one started doing the static on and off sort of thing.

I also had this static on and off problem. I'm on Cubase 6 64 bit in Windows 7.
It worked when I first worked in the project. 4 instances. Then later I opened the project again and had this stutter thing going.
Back to REVerence as impulse loader.
Hey kazrog, I think I found an issue with Recabinet (new one with stereo panning and custom impulses).
I had a gate located between my VST preamp and recabinet, if the gate cuts the sound out entirely, it would cause my CPU to spike over 100% in Ableton Live.
Unless, I set the gate to only lower the level to about -63db (not cutting it entirely), the problem would go away.
So basically, recabinet doesn't seem to like the signal going in and then cutting out entirely (by a gate). Hope this makes sense.
Hey kazrog, I think I found an issue with Recabinet (new one with stereo panning and custom impulses).
I had a gate located between my VST preamp and recabinet, if the gate cuts the sound out entirely, it would cause my CPU to spike over 100% in Ableton Live.
Unless, I set the gate to only lower the level to about -63db (not cutting it entirely), the problem would go away.
So basically, recabinet doesn't seem to like the signal going in and then cutting out entirely (by a gate). Hope this makes sense.

Strange - that's probably another plugin in your signal chain causing this, that's a denormalization error and can't happen in Recabinet 3.5.x.

EDIT - I've just looked into this, and it appears that Ableton live has a smaller dynamic range than most other DAWs, so Recabinet's denormalization noise will not work properly in Ableton at the moment. Sorry! Added to the bug fix list... thankfully this is a very easy one to fix.
Strange - that's probably another plugin in your signal chain causing this, that's a denormalization error and can't happen in Recabinet 3.5.x.

EDIT - I've just looked into this, and it appears that Ableton live has a smaller dynamic range than most other DAWs, so Recabinet's denormalization noise will not work properly in Ableton at the moment. Sorry! Added to the bug fix list... thankfully this is a very easy one to fix.

Wow that was quick, I am glad you found the cause of the issue (and I know how hard it can be to troubleshoot some programming issues)
Thanks for your time to look into it :kickass:

Do you think I should drop Ableton Live and move to something else? (issues like these gets me worried about whether this DAW is just a POS)
All DAWs have strengths and weaknesses, it really depends on what you're doing. Ableton has some very unique advantages also. I know so many musicians who prefer it to anything else as far as workflow, and it performs extremely well and is highly efficient.

Explore your options if you're not happy, find what you like for your music. Ableton is killer, though, and it's up to plugin developers like myself to ensure that our products work well in all hosts.

Thanks for the heads up! That was very astute troubleshooting on your part.
might as well just chirp in while this thread is alive again and say i bought recab 3.5 so i could load third party IRs and its brilliant i use it to practice at home and in the studio, i used it in my first mix two days ago to, just blending another guitar behind my mic'd tracks, sounds brilliant, dont think there is a better loader out there, and especially not if you are on mac and protools, thanks for all the hard work kazrog,
All DAWs have strengths and weaknesses, it really depends on what you're doing. Ableton has some very unique advantages also. I know so many musicians who prefer it to anything else as far as workflow, and it performs extremely well and is highly efficient.

Explore your options if you're not happy, find what you like for your music. Ableton is killer, though, and it's up to plugin developers like myself to ensure that our products work well in all hosts.

Thanks for the heads up! That was very astute troubleshooting on your part.

Thanks for your input regards Ableton. I prefer it because I am used to the workflow and I get results very quickly.
No problem for the heads up. I guess I can troubleshoot reasonably well because I am a programmer too. Keep up the great work Kazrog! Recabinet is kickass :kickass:
Bit of a necrobump, but I have a fairly general question about Recabinet. I've used a lot of different impulses and spend a lot of hours trying different amp sims, and Recabinet sounds substantially different from nearly all other IRs I've ever used. When you compare it to, say, the impulses include with the TSE X50, it's a lot less heavy in the low end, and more "raw" sounding. This isn't a bad thing! But there's a lot of difference there, and I find myself wanting an in-between point, since a lot of popular IRs- catharsis, the TSE X50 impulses, etc.- can sound too scooped and thin, while Recabinet without any processing whatsoever sounds too mid-focused and dark.

tl;dr, what techniques do you guys use to shape Recabinet to get it to sound sharper? I generally wind up using a 57 on or off axis combined with a 121 off axis, blend to taste, and cut around the 300hz area from each using the Recabinet EQ, then use another DAW eq afterward to cut around the same area, maybe 3-4 db, and add 1-3 db in the "djent zone" near 1200-1500hz. Sometimes I also boost the highs to make the guitars stand out more, which is what I find is where Recabinet differs most substantially from other IRs. On the amp, I find myself boosting the bass more than I normally would.

I'll probably update this post later today with some quick dropbox mp3s to show what I mean if it's unclear.
To me they sound really good. I always use the same 2 presets when im playing around and now that you mention, those presets have a 6db boost at 6k. So yeah , without the eq some of them could feel a little dark. I really love the midrange they have and the bass response seems perfect for guitars in the mix. All the boomines seems to be cut off by default.
As for the sound of the library itself, you'll notice that if you compare IRs made by different people of the same cabinet, there's a lot of variation out there. Initially, the main focus of the Recabinet 4 library is going to be adding more bass cabinets, which came out great. I have no desire to mess with what's already working well for most people though, and if you want a different sound, you can always load your own IRs. :)