Recabinet 3.5 Released (third party IR import, stereo panning)

My studio is at an offline location, I bought and installed version 3 about 2 months ago, and authorized it offline with a keycode. Will i need a new keycode after the new install? I can't seem to log into the site to retrieve a new auth.


The update is awesome. Although I mostly use the Recabinet IR's themselves it's nice to have the option of 3rd party ones! Really glad I snagged this a few weeks ago for the sale price.

Just an observation with the 3.5 update - not sure if it's something weird going on with my system, but it seems as though the drop-down menus for the mics and cabs sometimes don't respond to my mouse clicks now.
If I click on the drop down menu, click a new cabinet, the menu disappears as if it's selected a new cab but nothing changes. Same with the mics. Sometimes I have to click it two or three times. If I use the +/- buttons though, it works fine. It didn't do it with the previous version.

It's a minor thing and very well could be my system or my mouse starting to die.

Thanks for the awesome software Shane.
My studio is at an offline location, I bought and installed version 3 about 2 months ago, and authorized it offline with a keycode. Will i need a new keycode after the new install? I can't seem to log into the site to retrieve a new auth.


All versions of Recabinet 3 use the same keyfile, so your keyfile will work. If you can't log in, try the password recovery form. If that doesn't work, you can contact us via the support form.
If I click on the drop down menu, click a new cabinet, the menu disappears as if it's selected a new cab but nothing changes. Same with the mics. Sometimes I have to click it two or three times. If I use the +/- buttons though, it works fine. It didn't do it with the previous version.

This is a problem that's affected Recabinet 3.x in various hosts from day one. Hosts don't always like plugins with menus. Sorry for any inconvenience!
It's weird.

The version that you provided manually lacks the pan tool, so I downloaded again the package from the official website, now it installs nicely.
The problem is now that I can't load any impulse file in the loader, it just doesn't recognize the click in the file name.

Any ideas?

The update is awesome. Although I mostly use the Recabinet IR's themselves it's nice to have the option of 3rd party ones! Really glad I snagged this a few weeks ago for the sale price.

Just an observation with the 3.5 update - not sure if it's something weird going on with my system, but it seems as though the drop-down menus for the mics and cabs sometimes don't respond to my mouse clicks now.
If I click on the drop down menu, click a new cabinet, the menu disappears as if it's selected a new cab but nothing changes. Same with the mics. Sometimes I have to click it two or three times. If I use the +/- buttons though, it works fine. It didn't do it with the previous version.

It's a minor thing and very well could be my system or my mouse starting to die.

Thanks for the awesome software Shane.

I have the same issue. ALthough I had that issue with the previous version as well. SO far everything else is working fine though. I really like this plugin now with the third party IR support!
It's weird.

The version that you provided manually lacks the pan tool, so I downloaded again the package from the official website, now it installs nicely.
The problem is now that I can't load any impulse file in the loader, it just doesn't recognize the click in the file name.

Any ideas?

The pan sliders will only appear if you're using Recabinet on a stereo track (or mono to stereo in supported hosts.)

When you click on an IR, you should hear the output of that channel being processed through the last IR you clicked on. Are you sure it's not working? There have been no issues found in any host with the IR loader.

One thing that will be addressed soon is the 64 bit AU version, which is essentially non functional at this point (even though it worked perfectly throughout the beta.) Expect a bug fix soon. Very sorry about this!
Everybody post some good IR combinations! I've found that the Oversize with an sm57 + the Tone Vampire IR's are alarmingly similar to the original songs. Try the Diamond Eyes IR and the Oversize; it's uncanny.
I got to playing around with this a bit earlier and Im really into it. I had been using SIR2 for non Recab impulses before, Recab sounds the same with the added benifit of the eq being built into to vst. Ive been supplementing some of my real amp sounds with x50 + impulses on the latest recording Ive been doing and this update is making me feel considerably less awful about having to do so, really great product and immensely useful update, big thanks Shane.
Recabinet 3.5.1, a bug fix update for Mac, has been posted to the server. This addresses issues in Logic 9 64 bit, and is recommended for all Mac users.
Recabinet 3.5.1. working great on Mountain Lion 10.8.3. for me. Shane, thank you very much for this update, been a user since verion 2.x something, but only with 3.5.1. (import IRs, dynamic control) I can drop all the alternatives and go full with Recabinet. Keep up the good work.

Aside from the Kazrog LLC, I remember you dude from way back, I think it was 1997, when you managed and started Backmask (was there a Christina Aguilera Carcass type cover???).